Home science Conifer thinning to make way for native species, Carabinieri Biodiversity Project begins

Conifer thinning to make way for native species, Carabinieri Biodiversity Project begins

Conifer thinning to make way for native species, Carabinieri Biodiversity Project begins

Re-naturalization of reforestation using alligator conifers for a guided nature reserve”Monte Vilino“It will be launched in the next few days, thanks to the cooperation of the municipal administration in Massa Dalb and exceptional funding from Ministry of Environmental Transformation to me Carabinieri Biodiversity With the aim of favoring the implementation of conservation measures for the areas of the European Union’s Natura 2000 network.

State Reserve “Monte Velino” (protecting 3,500 hectares of land for nearly 35 years, with exceptional ecological values, including 10 habitats of EU importance, 600 plant species and almost all types of vertebrates typical of the Apennines) It is actually included in the Special Conservation Area IT7110206 “Monte Sirente and Monte Velino” and in the Special Conservation Area IT7110130 “Sirente Velino”, both of which are part of the large network of European Union protected areas “Natura 2000”.

To improve the natural and conservation status of Priority Habitat of Concern EU 6210* (secondary dry grasslands) and the rare species of Orchidaceae Himantoglossum adriaticum (protected under the EU Habitat Directive), re-saturation work will begin in the next few years days of reforestation with scattered conifers ( mostly black pine) found in the territory of the reserve and widespread on the southwestern slope of Vilino, which represents a threat to the ecological balance and a constant risk factor for fires. through progressive thinning conifers Space and light will be left for Native species, which will have the opportunity to recolonize related areas. In the face of the loss of trees completely irrelevant to the ecological context, fragile and vulnerable to any adversity, there will be an expansion of surfaces characterized by natural habitats, capable of ensuring the functions of ecosystems and optimally resisting every threat.

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