Home science Conference Make Room for Courage, Spadone Space Day 4

Conference Make Room for Courage, Spadone Space Day 4

Conference Make Room for Courage, Spadone Space Day 4

We’re heading toward the final day, but there’s still a lot to say in Saint-Sierbonne during the second “MAKE SPACE FOR COURAGE” conference. So much waiting for the meetings of a precious friend of SPAZIO SPADONI, that is Luigino Bruni, economist, founder of the School of Civil Economics, writer and scientific coordinator of “Francesco’s Economy” who spoke to us during his meeting about the “courage of the 72 disciples of Jesus”, who were sent on a mission, so they were invited to go and bring the preaching of the word in another kingdom. And they go, trusting in the providence of God, confident that they will receive mutual love in hospitality upon their arrival; There is this reciprocity in bringing the word and getting bread in return. This is Christian humanity: love begins with an act of faith and the Gospel opens to those who have already hosted it in their hearts. There has been a lot of reflection on the topic of societies today, especially the crisis of Christian societies, because the hero is capitalism that wants the individual alone and makes good things substitutes for people, thus replacing human relations with things to ensure that they guarantee him. Something safer. To better explain this thought, Bruni referred to Giovanni Verga’s novel La Ropa, in which the protagonist Mazzaro, from being poor, became a good worker until he became the master of all things understood as property, and when he was. On the verge of death, he decides to kill her to take her with him and after him there will be nothing left.
The second part of the morning begins with a song of thanks to the Lord in Swahili by several sisters of the HICSUM project who are participating in the conference to enrich their composition, all to remember that the next edition in 2023 will be precisely in Africa.
The meeting resumes with Luigino Bruni, who answers the many onlookers in the hall and from home the question of courage and missionary spirit, and encourages us all to continue to believe in something called God, because that is the real challenge, faith is always the same but it must be able to narrate In a more creative way in a different language to bring everyone closer. He concluded by mentioning “Francesco’s economy”, an idea that the latter so much desired and proposed to the Pope, who loved it so much but on the condition that the young people are the real heroes because now adults do not change. Now after the years of the pandemic, there will finally be this beautiful experience in Assisi, where young people from Africa will also be able to participate thanks to the contribution to scholarships provided by Spazio Spadoni, the official partner of the event.
In the afternoon we entered the heart of the main project of SPAZIO SPADONI, with first-hand testimonies from two Italian realists HIC SUM, the first from Sicily with
Nino SavarinoGovernor of Misericordia di Rosolini, writer and musician, who returns after attending last year’s conference, which hosts in Misericordia two sisters from Mexico, the other from Puglia with Gaetano Volpe, for 26 years, Secretary of Mercy Orta Nova, who hosted a Congolese nun who is already building a furnace on her land. We started by seeing a video of a cartoon that excellently explains all the important stages of the HIC SUM project, where the protagonists are two, the host Mercy and the Brotherhood of Sisters. The nun is welcomed for a period of time where she learns how to make bread, grow fields, or raise livestock, she will take a first aid course and when she learns she will go back to her country to build her own oven. The bread of mercy. At the moment there are 45 active projects and the goal is to reach 72 like the 72 pupils: all this will be possible thanks to SPAZIO SPADONI which has promised to finance this commendable project for 5 years.
Another biblical moment thanks to Dr., Biblical scholar and author much appreciated for his biblical studies and courses,
Carlo Melita, which is also interested in meditations on the Sunday Gospel of Mercy on spazioospadoni.org under the title: “Good Mercy to All”. Your meeting answers the question, What courage is needed to perform acts of mercy? He lays out a list of tips: the courage to make use of one’s talents, the courage to take risks and make mistakes, the courage to break the law when it goes against the heart, the courage of Christian diversity, the courage to task oneself. To providence, and finally the courage to change by challenging the new age but at the same time staying true to the spirit of the origins. And he warmly greets the large audience with an invitation to devote ourselves to mercy with all our hearts, feeling always accepting God’s love, full of joy and humour.
At the conclusion of this busy day, a fun and relaxing musical moment thanks to the concert of flute and voice narrator with the actress.
Patricia Lazzarini And the concert player Giampiero PeriniWhich accompanied the reading of three poems that have been joyfully translated to the music of Bizet, Mozart, and Puccini.

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