ROME – The “winning” space is the conservative space. He is convinced of that Luciano Ciocchettipast Long extremism between the ranks of the middle and consolidated experience in the field of politics at the national and administrative level. Since 2018, the former deputy, A prominent figure at the height of UDCVice President and former Chancellor of Lazio, He believed in the Brothers of Italy projectconvinced that the party Georgia Meloni It represents the continuity of values he has always believed in. Yesterday set off Ciocchetti in Rome, at the Auditorium della Conciliazione Agreement with members of regional and municipal councils, mayors and Fdi . fighters To continue to reflect on the themes of the party’s program conference held in Milan and to think in advance about future electoral challenges.
In his interview with Agenzia Dire, he explained the path that led him from the capital, through the UDC and Forza Italia, to the Brethren of Italy. “The selection was made some time ago – says Ciocchetti – We joined the plea made by Giorgia Meloni at the Atrego Concert of Moderates in 2018 to expand the circumference of Fratelli d’Italia. Fdi also corrects the “path”, and is heading towards Building the Italian Conservative Party And for some time in Europe with Raffaele Fitto, with whom I have been collaborating since 2018, we chose to follow this path that led Fdi to join the Conservative Party of Europe, of which Giorgia Meloni became president.”
– Are you the moderate spirit within the Brothers of Italy then?
“There is a way to expand that In addition to the political right, it also represents popular and liberal spirits. It is no coincidence that today in the polls Fdi gets 22% … I don’t think it can only be the vote of right-wing voters, from the historical Italian right, There is clearly a much broader recognition So each of us also represents what he has always represented in his history. We also represent the moderate spirit within this new container.”
A container far from “sovereignty”?
This term, sovereignty, is always given a stern definition. Sovereignty also means defending the homeland and the flagit means defending the values that in any case at the moment, using The war waged by RussiaWe stand by a sovereign state, Ukraine. So it seems to me that Europe can and must exist, but must also respect the territory of the nationWith identities, values and culture. I see sovereignty in a positive sense.”
– What are the values of the Italian brotherhood that convinced us to leave the central region?
“Meanwhile, the choice of European Conservative Party and Reformists (Ecr) It was a choice that changed the perspective in which the Italian right was seen alongside Le Pen’s in France. he meant Join a European family that Europe wants to change anywayBecause even the events of these days show that Europe must be profoundly changed, but it is deeply pro-European. Then there are some common core values: Family theme, natural family, assistance in childbirth, defense of business, help those who create jobs, those who create development. Then the issue of the need to guarantee those freedoms that sometimes face difficulties in our country. There are also topics that align with our positions.”
Does the central pole no longer make sense?
“We’ve been trying for over twenty years. I’ve tried it from 1994 to 2018 with many others who are lost after that. Because those who went to the left, like Pier Ferdinando Cassini, filtered the experience of the union of the center, even betraying all things said from 1994 onwards. Then we tried with Raffaele Fitto with “Direction Italy”, with “We with Italy”, but the results were not enough to represent it also in Parliament, and therefore We felt it was no longer necessary to divide the atom but to aggregate, to bring our political culture into a movement as well. When we entered Fdi in the polls, we got 3%. There was a European election that took about 6 percent, and now it’s sailing to be the first Italian party. I think we’ve made an important contribution to the Conservative Party.”
Will Luciano Ciucetti run as a candidate in the upcoming elections?
“As always, I am available for the party and for what Giorgia Meloni and the center-right leaders will decide. I’m always there to help in any role. A week ago, a major programmatic conference was held in Milan which was attended not only by Fratelli Italia advocates, but by about 200 non-Fdi people, intellectuals and civil society advocates who helped build a programmatic proposal for the country’s next government. . So I thought it appropriate, given that not everyone was able to be in Milan, that yesterday’s meeting was held in Rome where we reopened a reflection On theses which appeared in Milan. Then, it is clear that within ten months there will be a vote in the political elections and the regional elections in Lazio, We have already started the election campaign, but the ones who come forward we’ll see later. I am willing to make my experience available not for a specific role but for what will be necessary and useful.”
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