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China, Hu Jintao away from the Congress: kicked out by weight

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lose weight The two tried to lift him up with resistance that lasted more than an endless minute. The former leader tried to speak with Xi, seated to his right, and with the farthest Prime Minister Li Keqiang, one of his subjects, before giving up and leaving the room with the Secretary-General who remained steadfast. A very strange and wondrous story, which at any rate had the implication of humiliation towards a former chief now elderly and perhaps also the value of warning against any pockets of internal resistance.

“He had an illness” – The evening news mentioned it, but not the episode, while at about midnight a tweet from Xinhua explained that the former president “was not feeling well during the session, his staff, his health, he escorted him to the next room. To the meeting place to rest. And now It is much better.” The truth is that even his name on Weibo (Twitter in Mandarin) ended up in the Great Firewall censorship networks.

The policy of the man alone in driving The resolution on the constitution was approved unanimously and some observers have speculated that Hu Jintao wants to express his opposition to the man-only policy. Xi imposed his neo-Marxist-Leninist approach on the economy with the primary role of state enterprises in the development process.

Taiwan question – In addition to its personal prestige, a key paragraph on Taipei was included in the charter, stressing the red line in relations with the United States: the Chinese Communist Party says it “strongly opposes and discourages Taiwanese independence separatists.” The rebellious island immediately responded by calling on China to “abandon the old mentality of aggression and confrontation”, and act “in a peaceful, reciprocal and pragmatic manner.”

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New Central Committee – Xi focused on the shield of the new Central Committee of 205 employees, as well as 171 replacements, while removing unbiased figures such as Premier Li Keqiang and Wang Yang (No. 4 in the Chinese Communist Party), both 67 and still qualified. With the inscription in the charter of the ‘Two Buildings’ (the strengthening of Xi’s central position and the guiding role of his political thought within the CCP) and the ‘Two Guarantees’ (which protect the central position of Xi within the Party and the central authority of the Party), experts note that these were Novelties strengthen Xi’s power, consolidate his power, making any opposition more difficult because any difference can be seen as an attack on the party.

Xi: ‘Our party is still in full swing’ – Xi said at the conclusion of the congress that the successes of the Communist Party in the past century were “really remarkable, and more than a hundred years after its founding, our Party is still in its prime.” “We are absolutely confident and capable of creating new and greater miracles on the new journey of the new age, miracles that will astound the world,” he concluded before the last applause. On Sunday, the plenary session of the XX Central Committee will elect the Politburo (25 members) and its Standing Committee (currently 7) which will be presented to the media by Xi, the third crowned CPC general secretariat.

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