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If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Cheki, from Logrado Pizza Ovens for restaurants in Canada and the United States

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Innovations in the background of tradition. They are Checky srl of Logrado The product is introduced in the market Its pizza ovens. Starting with a rotating surface that eliminates the fatigue of the pizza chef 4.0 can be controlled by an app for the oven It is possible to communicate essential data and receive “commands” remotely, for example, when to turn on and off but the temperature to be reached, the number of pizzas to be cooked and – this is very important for the company – when maintenance is to be carried out.

We talked about innovation in the context of tradition because basically Pizza ovens were made by grandfather Current producers, i Dal’Olio, Grandfather Francesco, Cecchi, was precisely his nicknameBeginning in 1935.

“As a boy, ​​our grandfather helped his father to make stoves for the farms of Bassa, however, very different from these – says Andrea Dall’Olio, general manager -. Later He went to Pattipaglia where he learned how to make pizza ovens. He built the first one in Trenzano for the pizzeria named after my grandmother Candida, and it hasn’t stopped since. The company grew gradually, then it passed to my father Yuko and now to the three of us: my sister Lydia, who takes care of the administration, my brother Nikola, who follows the production, and me. Dad’s playing a bit of a wild card.”

Four employees work with them, who not only manufacture parts for the stoves, but also use fire bricks, insulation and linings that the customer wants. They can collect them in different countries of the world Where are they exported?

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“Our revenue has returned to the pre-Covid period – continues Andrea – between 1.5 and 2 million euros, half of which comes from exports. Our main markets USA and Canada, require specific certifications that we have, but are not in short supply in the Middle East and Europe. We have one oven shipped to an island in the Caribbean and one to Malaysia.

90% of customers are restaurants and hotels, but if desired, Ceky can also supply small ovens for individuals. The cost starts from 5 thousand euros and can go up to 20 thousand for big ones. Production time varies from two to three months. And in Italy there are less than a dozen manufacturers of this type of oven.

As for the future, Andrea Dal’Olio envisions opportunities “It has a steady growth of 10% with the development of new products and new markets“. In the case of the increase in the price of raw materials in this sector as well, they realized themselves, especially regarding the metal and bricks of the supporting structure of the kiln, “The kilns are due to the price of gas. Don’t produce, those who have already produced sell at higher prices. But the real innovation in recent months, in addition to the rotating top, is actually the possibility of installing a 4.0 oven, the ability to “communicate” through the app and receive commands.