Tired of incurring disproportionate costs for car and motorcycle insurance: here comes a new possibility to save on the costs required to insure your transportation.
Pay Annual insurance It is a real drain for many Italian families: to counteract the anxiety that immediately grips those who have to insure their cars, a new method is spreading that allows significant savings in money.
It is aboutCar and motorcycle insurance according to consumption: In practice, you pay only for what you consume, and therefore only for the efficient use of the means of transport that someone has. The option given to policyholders is to pay a designated vehicle liability rate based on the number of kilometers that must be driven over the course of the year.
An option that must be considered above all by those who use the car practically every day and travel many kilometers. The pay-as-you-go insurance method is best for those who are doing business Limited and conscious use of the vehicle And he wants to reduce unnecessary expenditures of money.
Insurance experts recommend underwriting Pay to use car insurance For those who travel up to 5,000 km a year. Over ten thousand, however, the choice turns out to be somewhat counterproductive, as a fixed premium has to be paid along with the variable which depends on the kilometers traveled.
Consumption-based car insurance: Payment can only be made for kilometers traveled
There are apps out there, like BeRebel, which allows you to customize car insurance according to consumption by entering data and getting a full estimate of how much you will spend. How does the insurance business pay you? This type of policy is renewed every month by paying a fixed amount, while at the end of the month the balance is activated to be adjusted based on the kilometers traveled.
There are those who drive so little that they pay only 20 euros a month. The Porsche Versicherungsdienst in Germany has also taken this opportunity to change by proposing a policy based on zero mileage. There is no type of prepayment.

Black box and pay-per-use insurance: the mileage check
How will you do the Check the kilometers already traveled? It will be necessary to install a black box on the vehicle: a tool called an event data logger or black box capable of tracking all movements and events.
Black boxes are currently the most used accessories by insurance companies to record all customer data, but not only: black box It allows to obtain an accurate and detailed picture of the dynamics of road accidents.