Brussels – This is a rally call for “every possible and conscious effort to preserve democracy in all parts of the world and especially in Ukraine”, the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, Addressed the MEPs during his speech at the full session of the EU Parliament today (Wednesday 23 March). “Democracy is not accidental, we can not fail in UkraineBecause now the people are protecting our values, ”he said.
For the first time since 2017, Trudeau has been in the EU Parliament (and a Canadian Prime Minister) since “the world has changed, even though we still feel something dark on the horizon”. After an epidemic and a global recession, “with the current dangers of climate change and the weakness of democratic institutions”,Russia’s “criminal” invasion of Ukraine “It pushes our citizens into a sense of uncertainty about the future.” The war on the Eastern Front “represents a violation of the most sacred precepts of international law. Vladimir Putin It bombs the public in blatant disregard for human rights and life, “he said.Now we must defend Kiev and think about our commitment to rebuilding the country after the war.“.

It is with this in mind that the Canadian Prime Minister insisted.In Ukraine we can not failWe must live for the historic moment when our partners find us. “For Europe and Canada,” united in an unwavering commitment to safeguarding the values that unite us “, Putin’s Russia is a” threat to the rules of stability and peace and the security of its citizens. ” Democracies have provided a solid resource:Putin saw our differences and arguments and thought we were weak“However, the severity of the debate and the civil commitment make us stronger, and democracy will always be better than dictatorship.” The same “error of evaluation” made by the Russian dictator: At the NATO level we were never sureThe Canadian Prime Minister promised.
Speaking of NATO, Trudeau will attend a summit of leaders tomorrow that will determine how to militarily strengthen the coalition’s eastern front. Citing the words of the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zhelensky (“Light overcomes darkness”), Trudeau concluded his speech in the EU Parliament, “All Europeans can count on Canada’s total support”, which is demonstrated by the country’s military commitment. The Ottawa government is leading the work of the ten NATO member states in Latvia and has decided to double its contribution to the alliance in the coming years. “Security of Europe Security of Canada“But this issue affects all global partners opposing the invasion of Ukraine:”The pressure must be increased by barriers And show that the decision to attack a sovereign nation is a strategic failure, leading to catastrophic costs for Putin and Russia. ”
In his speech before the full session of the MEPs, the Canadian leader underlined that “Putin’s fault for weakening our democracy.” Long applause for “defending Kiev and working for post-war reconstruction”

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