At the same time European Commission While considering whether to send Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays to all of his fellow citizens, the Canadian government has unanimously approved a law. Alternative therapy, Also known as an alternative therapy Compensation, reunification or hatred treatment. They are a part of Alternative therapy Any kind of treatment (or not) aimed at changing the psychological (individual or group), behavior or pharmacological approachSexual orientation, Or the identity of a person, or sexual expression. In short, it is not possible to attempt to change a person’s sexual or / or gender orientation in Canada from next January. Violators will be punished until Five years in prison.
Two reflections. The law was first unanimously approved by the Canadian government. The law was passed by all members of government, from radical conservatives to the liberal pole. Consensus vote It has for a few minutes thrown down all the walls raised by the natural political ideals in a democratic government. A rare occurrence in democracies around the world. But how can a consensus be reached in a diverse cultural environment like Canada? Certainly not because of a beautiful moment of unconditional priority The value of life and the freedom that everyone has. It would have been great, but it’s hard to imagine anything like this ever happening.
On the other hand, every member of government is more likely to reach a consensus because of the responsibility they feel towards their own voters. Opposition vote A bill of this kind might have been sufficient (in Canada!) To mark the end of a long political career. Therefore, consensus is driven by a large population consensus.
This does not mean that there is no one who considers diversity in the Canadian population to be an evil, in fact, in practice Alternative therapy, Corrected by this Act, confirms exactly the opposite; However, that does mean that people really are A minority They weigh the least in terms of elections. Therefore, it was unanimously approved to repeal this law Alternative therapy Suggests that some important political decisions are made due to the massive presence of well-integrated thinking and cultural elements in the daily lives of voters.
The second reflection is a little more personal. Imagine, Dear straight reader, Your existence, your gender nature, is sometimes perceived by others as something to be changed; Something that needs to be changed in order to have a successful personal and professional life and gain the respect of most of the people around you. If so, dear straight reader, I firmly believe that you should at least say something or start saying it. Rebel The thought that somehow someone might try to change you. If that is the only intention Someone wants to change you At least it makes you feel uncomfortable, so it’s appropriate to start expressing this thought often when discussing among friends about each other’s rights and freedoms. In doing so, the miserable minorities will begin to shrink to the point where there is no longer any burden on (any) political decision of any government.
How much does all this cost us? Little or nothing, or all, depends on who we are, and above all how much Know What we really are.