The Reno Space Theatre From calderara presents second date with class schoolA mini-review that invites you to think about the school and the difficulties you face as a teacher, pupil or educator. After Valerio Jalongo’s documentary, l’insegna, la sete last week, Thursday, November 24th at 9 p.m The second event: Laurent Cantet’s film Chapter – Enter the murs.
The initiative, which marks the return to the stage after the summer holidays, is organized by Culturara, the cultural system of the Municipality of Calderara. The performances, like last Thursday’s performances, are for everyone and admission is free, while the stage show on Saturday December 3rd is recommended for an adult audience and admission is subject to a fee. Below is a description of the second date and subsequent programming. All information is on the Culturara.it website.
Thursday, November 24, 9 p.m
Chapter – Enter the murs
by Laurent Cantet (France 2008) – 128′
Admission is free, reservation recommended at the Municipal Library 0516461247 and at the Casa della Cultura 342.8857347
Palme d’Or at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival
François Bigodot is a French teacher at a Parisian high school. Aimed at a heterogeneous group of boys and girls, his teaching method aims to offer them the best possible education in a reality where young people do not always have impeccable behavior and can drive even the best teachers to give in quietly. A life that does not require comparisons and possibly clashes with students. In fact, not everyone appreciates his candor and Professor Bigodo is going to face a case that will put him in a difficult position.
Kind of Travel diaries during the school year Through her, the director invites us to reflect on how the equilibrium of class reality (even non-border ones) today can be so unstable.
After a complex rehearsal with young actors taken this time not “from the street” but “from the school” and choosing the true BĂ©gaudeau as the protagonist, Cantet takes on the position of a documentary filmmaker with a reality experienced by students and teachers in a similar way not only in Paris or in France. Without emphasis or rhetoric, the teacher and principal show us how much The role of the teacher as well as the role of the student is getting more and more complex today And to some extent, trying to rebuild from the ground up.
Saturday, December 3, 9 p.m
Beauty in Barbiana – Don Lorenzo Milani and his school
Theatrical show for adults
Admission fees and recommended reservations at the Municipal Library 051 6461247 and at the Casa della Cultura 342.8857347
Written by Francesco Nicolini and Luigi D’Elia with Luigi D’Elia. Directed by Fabrizio Saccomano.
Renzo Sanna
press office and communication
Calderara Municipality in Reno