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Bonus of 600 euros for workers: who is entitled to it and how the procedure works

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Bonus of 600 euros for workers: who deserves it and how it works.

Issued by decree of Ayoti bis, published in Official Gazette last September 21, Contribution of 600 euros Provides for the possibility for Italian companies to contribute to the expenses of their employees to counteract the effects Dear bills. In fact, the Aiuti bis decree includes among the measures amending the non-compete income threshold for marginal benefitswho comes Raised for 2022 to 600 euros. Job advisors emphasize this in an in-depth post titled Bonus bill and new threshold for fringe benefits for 2022»From the Institute of Labor Consultants Studies. the art. 12, ch. 1 of Legislative Decree No. Law No. 115/2022 states, in fact, that it is “limited to the tax period of 2022, by not complying with the provisions of Article 51, Paragraph 3, of the Uniform Income Tax Text, referred to in Decree of the President of the Republic of December 22, 1986, No. 917 The value of goods sold and services provided to employees as well as amounts paid or paid to them by employers for the payment of household utilities for integrated water, electricity and natural gas services do not contribute to the formation of income within the total limit of 600 euros.

The in-depth publication analyzes the structure of the organization by considering the specificity of the innovations implemented in the current year, taking into account the additional specificity of the petroleum rewards that have already been introduced by Decree-Law No. 21/2022. The document also provides useful indicators for management by employers for the various non-compete active income thresholds for 2022, noting the implications for taxes and Social Security contributions.

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What are the additional benefits

Fringe benefits can be defined as “compensation in kind” because they are not disbursed in the form of money, but as goods and services that remain “visible” within the payment voucher. The benefits that, moreover, as shown by Edenred’s 2022 Welfare Observatory are estimated: in 2021, they actually accounted for a significant part of welfare consumption, up to 34%. Moreover, the innovation introduced by the Aiuti-bis decree, which entered into force on August 10, 2022, has given more attention to fringe benefits: the minimum tax for employees has moved from €258.23 to €600 for the 2022 fiscal year .

What is bill bonus? Who is it for and how does it work?

It is about sAmounts disbursed or paid by the company to the worker in exchange for paying household utilities (electricity, water and gas). Thus, amounts were excluded from employee income for the purposes of IRBV as well as from the property contribution rule, up to the aggregate limit of €600. Despite the general regulations, companies can also file benefits exceeding €600 in the 2022 tax year. However, the excess will be subject to taxes.

How does delivery work?

There are two possible ways to disburse the bill bonus, as identified in an in-depth analysis by the Fondazione Studi dei Consulenti del Lavoro: “Article 12, paragraph 1, allows, in particular, the direct disbursement of amounts to the service management supplier (obviously a more complex hypothesis because the utility fee normally charged directly to its owner), reimbursement of expenses directly incurred by the workers themselves, subject to documentation of their incurring the cost.” So either direct exchange or payroll.

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