Home science “Black with Spotlight” by Spazio Artetario

“Black with Spotlight” by Spazio Artetario


Show Danza Contemporanea “Black_with a spotlight” It arises from the urgency of the narrative Choreographer Myriam Baldassari, from the need to recount the feelings you experienced from a first-person perspective since the beginningpandemic emergency.
The spiral of infection, the unexpected and the dark, has changed the face of the world and the way we see reality in every human being. Hence the desire to drive “on the roof” Conflicting feelings that inhabited everyone’s conscience.

Representing the anguish, anxiety, confusion but also the pleasant ecstasy of a sudden finding of oneself in an extraordinary home stillness, it may follow an inner path of searching, through new audio scenarios and above all by sharing the experiences of the dancers Emotions Dance Company, He personally participated in expressing his personal experiences through the dancing delegates.
Multiple emotional aspects, a spectacle of sensations described by bodies sometimes trapped in frantic episodes, sometimes reduced in gestures stretched to the extreme, to transport the viewer into a microcosm of idiosyncrasies that each human has developed towards the most common gestures.

The plot unfolds within moments Choirs, solos, couple scenes, as if representing “Case” The stories of any person, expressed through developments are sometimes vague and progressively more clear and comprehensible.
Amplifiers “amounts” From narration and poems By Visca Virtuani It is woven into the tapestry of dances like the distant light in the darkness that is sometimes complete and all-encompassing, where the slightest possibility of light never diminishes, and a tension towards rebirth.

Simona Borghese

Julia Botta

Antonio Cornell

Emmanuel Graziani

Silvia Barjani

Choreography: Myriam Baldassari

Show times

Saturday January 22 at 21.00

Sunday January 23 at 5:30 pm

Arteatrio space (Ygramul Theatre)

Via Nikola Maria Nikolai 14

Information and reservation required

[email protected]



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