John Doe

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Bari, from “Caffè concierge” to “Spazio 13”: map for juniors

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Until recently, if you wanted to be a musician, artist, or creator “when you grow up,” there was only one way to try and make your aspirational dream come true: leaving Barry. But is this still the case today?

To understand this, let’s visit Luca Catalano, owner of the “Caffè Portineria”, a business in Via Roberto da Bari where one of the main privileges is to give space to those who do not have it so that they can express art in all its forms. Forms. Luca organizes unique events and weekly “fixed” reviews, such as “M’artedì” and “Giovedindie”: the first event is for emerging Apulian artists curated by Serena Sisto, while Giovedindie is an independent music review. Indeed, every Thursday Portineria leaves the microphone and speakers in the hands of the bands and musicians who take their first steps in this world, who want to express themselves.

“I myself come from this world, and I know how difficult it is to find a way and a place to do what I was born to do. If someone comes here to offer me something, I hardly say no,” Luca tells us. “Last week, for example, I tasted a pastry chef Christmas candy ambition. It was insane.”

But Luca is keen to point out that Caffè Portineria isn’t the only place in Bari moving in this direction. “Even the men of Spazio 13 have the same desire and perspective as ours. And with them many projects are at stake.” Spazio 13, a cultural center in the heart of the Libertà region, was created to be a strategic center for the cultural and creative development of our city, but above all – as its message states – a point of reference for the world of youth, capable of promoting forms of collectivization and collective growth in order to revive beauty where there was no beauty.

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In Spazio there are 13 courses in theatre, photography, painting and also yoga, modern Greek and “consciousness”. The space left for the youth is complete, and the expression of one’s arts is our motto. With the recent opening of the “Relaxation Room”, emerging local bands find a way to perform at Spazio 13. Like Spazio 13 and Caffè Portineria, many realities open their doors to young people: venues such as “La Taverna del Maltese” or “Jackstore Club” are Now a reference point and weekly time to listen to youth music, OR again Portineria21 has hosted and promoted the “Poetry Slam” event on several occasions.

Is it necessary to promote all this? “What I believe in is creating connection with other realities, without competition – is Luca’s spirit – even though it’s hard, reinforcing and supporting each other will lead us to do something really great.” In this regard he tells us that thanks to the giving victory “The store is not just a shop” cIt has given merchants the opportunity to propose initiatives in return for expanding their business, and Caffè Portineria will soon open the doors to many new possibilities.

“We are preparing for the Cineforum and Bike Sharing, – explains Luca, – but not only that, starting in January, the project I am most proud of will begin.” In fact, she will leave Portineria FM three days a week: “We will broadcast live social programs where we will talk about Murat for 20 minutes.” Like a doorman in a building, Caffè Portineria will tell you what’s going on in the neighborhood, and also talk about other places and activities. What drives Caffè Portineria to donate its spaces to those in need? “Nothing – answers Luca – like all the realities of youth that are busy in the area, and Caffè Portineria was born for this.”

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