Home Economy Auto tax 2022: deadlines, exemptions and payment

Auto tax 2022: deadlines, exemptions and payment

Auto tax 2022: deadlines, exemptions and payment

The first deadline for car tax for 2022 is approaching. In fact, as of this year, the normal deadlines for paying a car tax return, after extensions and suspensions granted in the past two years due to the emergency pandemic. Let’s see together what are the deadlines for 2022 and what payment methods can be used.

Happy family, couple and two children riding in a car

Payment deadline car tax Approach: By January 31In fact, those who saw the stamp duty expire in December 2021 will have to complete the payment.

Starting this year, no more extensions and commentary on car tax. We return to the normal mechanism for collecting vehicle tax using the normal mechanism The deadlines And the usual time Renew by the last day of the following month.

Let’s see in detail the file Payment Terms Auto tax 2022 and deadlines calendar month by month.

Auto tax 2022: deadlines and exemptions

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Read also: Car tax 2022: deadlines and how to pay

From January 1 This year the usual renewal times for car tax; There is no single payment deadline. For those who ownNew carRoad tax must be paid on the last day of the month of registration, and if the vehicle was registered in the last days of the month, the deadline will be postponed to the end of the following month.

to any concern Annual renewalPayment must be made on the last day of the month following the expiration month.

I exempt From Payment: Owners of owned vehicles that fall within the requirements of Law 104, vehicles registered with nonprofit organizations, historic vehicles over thirty years old, minivans, and electric vehicles for the first 5 years of registration.

Car Tax 2022: How to Pay

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the car tax 2022 It can be paid in different ways, from the home or from the tobacco seller, or from the ACI office. Below is different Payment possibility:

  • home banking
  • On the website of the revenue agency or at car dealerships through the PagoPa system.
  • Poste Italiane (online or through post offices);
  • Sisal and Lottomatica stores;
  • localization of the bank at a discount of 15% (valid only for some regions);
  • enabled automated teller machines;
  • on the ACI website through the PagoBollo service;
  • Through the IO application;
  • Through Satispay.


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