Home Tech 43,000 tree green side lane against smog and noise

43,000 tree green side lane against smog and noise

43,000 tree green side lane against smog and noise

They call it hidden emissions. But it is actually an emergency that can be seen and above all felt. Or rather: you can breathe. And not only for the mixture of pollutants generated by traffic from farms and factories but also for Jingle of thousands of trees It was cut partly – more in past years than it is today – by urbanization and land consumption, and partly, by a tangible climate crisis, made up of raging storms and record temperatures from year to year.

Trees, forests and forests are a treasure that must not only be preserved, but must continue to be bet upon. Why Deforestation increases carbon emissions by up to 5% (The prime example is the Amazon) and deforestation can lead to increased emissions Carbon Dioxide up to 3.8%, as shown in the study published in April in Nature Communications. That’s why they call it “hidden emissions”: Because they are not the ones who come out of stoves or cars. They are not absorbed by trees.

Earth in Code Red

Climate crisis, biodiversity loss, pollution, and landfills are proof that the Earth is in “code red”. The way out of all this? Transforming our economies and societies to make them more inclusive, equitable, and connected to the environment and nature. What is done is undoubtedly not enough, but Brescia is tryingStep by Step.

And today, in World Environment Day “Only One Earth”We want to list some of these small steps. Start directly from a small plot of reforestation.

corridor “smog”

The idea has been talked about for years and years, but it will eventually translate into practice. Arrival 43 thousand trees Provided by ERSAF (Regional Agency for Agricultural and Forestry Services) will establish one in Brescia “Green Southern Ring Road” Which will extend for a distance of 7.5 kilometers parallel to that drawn by the asphalt. A “smog” green corridor, which will support the road starting this fall, will also be tasked with keeping out traffic noise, the second enemy (after fine dust) for those who live in windy neighborhoods near the Great Artery. Good example of collective action in the name of the environment that is conducted in tandem by the district and county with the consent of the lodge.

On the other hand, Lombardy, under the direction of Green Consultant, Fabio Rolfi, has transferred the funds (4 million euros) and made available Ersaf’s expertise that will provide what is necessary to create this large urban mitigation forest. On the other hand, Broletto, under the direction of Guido Galperti, took care of the technical implementation of the project and will work with local operators to plant and maintain the stations. A starting point, certainly not an access point, but it’s definitely a good practice that could lead the way for other similar processes.

This agreement must be repeated everywhere – confirms Rolfi -. The next step may be Tangenziale Ovest, but also the agricultural areas of Sin Caffaro: the forest is the future, you have to believe in it.” Especially now that the Council under the leadership of Emilio del Bono has launched the great reclamation machine of the industrial castle, the center of the disaster, while the rehabilitation of the public gardens continues, coordinated by the Department of the Environment that sees the reins entrusted to Miriam Cominelli.

The way to take care of the environment Shouldn’t stop, seize every opportunity from time to time. Like the one that the region will always provide in the summer: “There will be an additional €10 million to fund new urban forests in large centers in order to concentrate them in areas where pollution continues to poison the air,” declared Rolfi.


There is no doubt that the collective awareness has increased in recent years regarding environmental protection. But the choices to be effective must be courageous and concrete. It is a battle of contemporary civilization in which the rights and duties of citizens, traditions and the economy intertwine. Because on the one hand, individuals have an indisputable right to have their health protected by their administrations (local, regional and national) – closely linked to the environment and interconnected with each other – through rules, regulations and provisions capable of attacking ‘pollution’. Thus, promoting green goods and services.

But on the other hand Citizens, first and foremost, have a duty not to pollute and respect the environmentAnd dissemination of studies and knowledge to increase awareness and follow-up on the sustainable development of energy resources.

The message to remember It is always the same but always present: “There are billions of galaxies in the universe, and in our galaxy there are billions of planets. But there is only one land. Let’s take care of it the ecologist on “Only One Earth”