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With the new decree is not a dream

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Free energy bills: now it’s finally possible. The scale is now real and the Italians are happy

Electricity (Photo by Colin Burns via Pixabay)

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The billing cost Shoots higher and higher. Electricity and gas have reached numbers we have never seen before, bringing to their knees families and businesses who find themselves having to incur unexpected expenses that burden the accounts at the end of the month.

A real bite to be faced. The state has already taken steps to help the citizens and the long-awaited measure has finally become a reality. Thanks to this new scale The energy bill will be free. Dream? Absolutely not and we tell you how.

Free energy bills, here’s how it’s possible

Solar panel energy income
Solar panels (Photo by Admiral_Lebioda via Pixabay)

State bonuses for electricity and gas bills are certainly an important point for families and businesses. Help allowed us to breathe a sigh of relief after the difficulties of the past months, but that’s not all.

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There is, in fact, another Big chance that reach the citizens. This is the power input Which has been stuck for so long has finally become a reality. what is he talking about? From the possibility of receiving the gods funds To buy and install Solar panels or storage systems, small wind and solar heat.

This measure targets families with ISEE low And this does not exceed 20 thousand euros exclusively for newly installed systems. In this way, thanks to the energy production in complete autonomy, the The energy bill will be reset It will not be necessary to pay the bloodshed.

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Maximum contribution per family 8500 euros. However, we must be careful because this provision is not valid throughout Italian territory. at present Puglia region He gave the consent, so anyone who has a residence in a property located in the territory of Puglia already can take action to take advantage of the action that is really important these days.

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There are also other local realities taking action. This is why it is a good idea to check and inquire about the Environmental Action to see if your municipality has joined the initiative or if you still need to wait.

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