We know very well The dangers behind a WhatsApp message Which does not come from our contacts. This message, while harmless in appearance, often hides a trap that allows evil people to take over our smartphone as well as our most sensitive data. And this despite the fact that the instant messaging app is protected by an extension End-to-end encryption.
Only new in chronological order is the message that puts millions of personal files at risk. Trick now is old but still widely used and also works and is generated by use WhatsAppWeb. In this case, in fact, to access the desktop version, you need a file confirmation codeWhich, if it ends up in the wrong hands, could make you lose the account that passes into the hands of evil people willing to use it for their malicious purposes.
WhatsApp: Another scam! How do you defend yourself?
In this case, the state police intervened who wanted to issue a press release on their Facebook page in which users are warned of the danger they may incur once the scam message crept into their smartphone. This is the message from the state police: “To activate the Whatsapp messaging application on your smartphone You need to enter a code that is sent via SMS to the device. With this procedure, cybercriminals can send an SMS to the victim asking them to send this code, making the phone number of a contact in the address book appear as the sender.. Sending the code allows them to activate a new Whatsapp on a different device but with reference to the phone number of the chosen victim who actually loses ownership of it.“.
Basically, criminals do nothing but send a message to unsuspecting users, making them think that it is used to verify WhatsApp, but it is really just another way to get into their smartphone. In this case, the hackers do nothing but activate the user’s account (unaware) on a device other than the main one but with a reference to the victim’s phone number that they actually lose ownership of. Advice? Always be extremely careful not to risk giving away sensitive data to cybercriminals Check every message and above all not reply to allow access.
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