Home science What happened to Città della Scienza: Diletta Capissi’s book is on display at the Feltrinelli Library in Caserta

What happened to Città della Scienza: Diletta Capissi’s book is on display at the Feltrinelli Library in Caserta

What happened to Città della Scienza: Diletta Capissi’s book is on display at the Feltrinelli Library in Caserta

It will take place on Tuesday 20 September (5:30 pm) In the Feltrinelli Library in Casertain Corso Trieste 154, book presentation “What happened to Science City: Naples thriller or metaphor for the south? by Diletta Capisi. They will talk to the author Ferruccio Deusi, Pasquale Yorio And the Nando Santonastasso.
In the book published by Guida Editori, journalist and sociologist Diletta Capisi focuses on the dynamics that led first to the explosion and then the downsizing of the massive scientific structure that aspired to be a pioneer in the South. The question underlying the volume, that is, whether it is “only” incomplete, disappointing but somewhat accidental, or whether and whether it is a metaphor for the South, leads to a double positive answer. Both were, with responsibilities intertwined at various levels, from scientific to political. Administrative “stress” and union intervention that led to the forced abandonment of what should have been, was in many ways a place and village for innovation, a center for scholarly publishing with a “museum” backbone but also an incubator for many successful startups, an example of non-landscape improvement Ordinary to much neglect and for a long time unfortunately left to itself.

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