Home science We are padawan. We make room for the child within us

We are padawan. We make room for the child within us

We are padawan.  We make room for the child within us

“If we work together, miracles will happen and Christmas Day will continue all year long.”

«A few days ago – he says Fabio Broca – I heard this phrase by Gianni Rodari uttered with a certain emotion by a nine-year-old boy, who unconsciously suggested this thought to me… How often, when we were children, parents and catechists taught us to solve our problems small problems with a handshake: I discovered How nice it is to play or do homework together. Developing relationships in a climate of mutual cooperation, in my opinion, is exactly the key to opening many doors and being able to implement projects even in difficult situations. This is the legacy I intend to leave to Georgina Garbo, whom the Board of Directors of Nue Padova has appointed as the new President, following my resignation (which I announce here) from this position. I still remain a consultant in the Regional Committee, but I have made this choice to devote myself better to the role of diocesan delegate for the “Sovvenire” project, which the Bishop has entrusted to me.” “I thank Fabio Broca for his commitment, in recent years, to the careful and careful management of the Association – begins Georgina Garbo – I hope I can continue the journey with the same dedication, and collect his precious testimony. I admit that it was the solidarity of the group that gave me the strength to say yes to this new responsibility. Thanks to the meetings we held in the region at the prosecution level, I had the opportunity to gain experience and appreciate the importance of relationships. I hope for myself and for everyone that the birth of the Savior will be that moment when every Christian can somehow find transparency and simplicity in relationships, with the courage to put aside his petty convictions to search for goodness and peace in society. With a broader perspective. Enthusiasm and serenity in collaboration are the basis for achieving important things together: a kind of small miracle. If we make room within us for that child, we will have the strength to come together and achieve what seemed impossible and perhaps – as Rodari quotes Fabio says – Christmas will continue all year long.

From the secretary

At the end of this joint yearNoi Padova thanks all its affiliates for their commitment to making the parish centers open and welcoming, and for supporting social promotion initiatives. Furthermore, the local authority has informed its clubs that on Friday 22 December, staff will be present in the Casa Pio X rooms only in the morning, until 12.30. It should also be noted that the General Secretariat will be closed for the Christmas holiday until Friday, January 5. In special emergencies, it is still possible to send a Whatsapp message or email to the contacts indicated in Newsletter No. 18. The offices will return to work, with their usual availability, from Monday 8 January. Hoping to continue with an increasingly committed commitment to constructive relations in our diocesan centres, Davide Polito, Roberta Malipiero and Sabrina Bandera wholeheartedly wish everyone a peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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