from Monday Twitter The declared “revolution” against Fake accounts and on Premium accounts, with blue ticks push and re-verify. The company was bought by Elon Musk Make it clear that subscribed users will see Less ads. Anyone who decides to register on the web will have to pay $8 a month. However, users using iOS, Apple’s operating system for iPhones and iPads, will have to pay $11 per month.
The news was posted directly from the official Twitter account:Blue Twitter Relaunching Monday: Subscribe on the web for $8 per month or on iOS for $11 per month to access subscriber-only features, including the blue checkmark. subscribers will be able to Change your username, display name, or photo from the profile, but if so They will lose blue check mark temporarily until their account is verified again. Also, according to rumors, the signs for paid accounts will become different different colors: gold for commercial companies and gray for institutions and government institutions.
“Tomorrow is me Robot Musk commented. “Bots/trolls generate fake activity, so Twitter may look less active, but really the fake is just gone.”
“Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst.”
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