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Three regional contacts in Italy and Canada for Carthage Publishing

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Annarida Schiavone, Giuseppe Rafa, and Susanna Clavas are regional contacts for Carthage Publishing. Already since 2019, Carthage editions have created a positive integration with the notes of its authors to always spread and inform the wider audience, with notes that play not only the role of genuine ‘sentinels’ in the region, but also the role of the brand. Ambassador.

Annarida Schiavone
Giuseppe Joe Rafa
Susanna Clavas

Margarita Guglielmino, Editorial Manager, said, ‘Finally their patient work has taken shape and consistency, and thanks to these individuals who allow more presence in the territory.

As for Lombardy, the contact person is Annarida Schiavone. Schiavone arrives at Carthage’s house by an accident, and she wants to point out that cooperation has not stopped since that moment. In fact, thanks to the work done to date, a real connection has been established between the local authorities and the Carthage brand. Schiavone notes: “Several joint projects have been developed between municipalities, for example, with Cincello Balsamo and several local libraries. Not forgetting the next participation in the VI edition of Salon della Cultura – Milan 2022, we are planning a number of events next year, including non – profit associations for charitable and social purposes.” Rich and serious. The project is a real cultural bridge between Sicily and Lombardy “.

The Carthage house builds bridges and synergies. Thanks to one of her teachers, Susanna Clavas, a Croatian language teacher at the University of Naples, for her research among the people who can best represent her in Campania and Eastern Europe. Says Klavas: “Meeting with Editorial Manager Margherita Guglielmino and Executive Giuseppe Penicci is a great opportunity, a great opportunity. Their proposal to represent Campania, where I work and live, they are actively involved in participating in educational conferences and organizing cultural events based on Eastern European literature and culture primarily Judaism, which is a way to further build. Bridges, this time in the publishing industry, really, I always wanted to. Where I come from and where I have family (in Croatia), being a contact person for Eastern Europe and being preferred by Margarita has added value. With a turning point in the interior, Carthage already has all the requirements to fly high towards Canada and Eastern Europe. Through my dedication, I see the possibility of introducing some of the most interesting Eastern writers to the Italian literary population.

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But as has been repeatedly announced, thanks to the contact person of Canada Giuseppe (Joe) Rafa, Carthage is flying overseas. As a commentator, Rafa said, “He has been involved in organizing presentations in the field of modern literature at Italian cultural institutions and Canadian universities. With a concise summary of his poems, the verses are read by the author or actor.We have so far had the honor of compiling Placido Amadeo, Santo Trimarchi, Valentina Mariana Scpo and Enrica Tricoli. And noticed that the interest in discovering language was growing more and more.

There have been several collaborations in recent months with art critic and journalist Maria Teresa Prestigiacomo, the creator of digital content, and Fiorla de Mauro. By creating the most classic book trailers taken from books, but again by creating a real “author portfolio”, World Web 24, the director in charge of the information channel, Mimmo Siena and finally, Empire with Radio.

“This is a difficult time, but many projects are in development, with a happy prospect for the new year,” said Cartago executive Giuseppe Penicci. (Image by leftist Giuseppe Penicci and Margarita Guglielmino)

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