Home Tech The video shows that performance has improved with Patch 1.1.0 – Multiplayer.it

The video shows that performance has improved with Patch 1.1.0 – Multiplayer.it

The video shows that performance has improved with Patch 1.1.0 – Multiplayer.it

Seemingly Patch 1.1.0 From Pokemon scarlet and violet He improved performance From the games of the ninth generation, as evidenced by a video posted by the GameXPlain portal.

The video compares performance in some specific areas of the two titles before and after the update, with GameXplain’s Jake stating that at some of these the frame rate was previously “bad”, while it is now much better.

Indeed, in the sequences shown, the frame rate seems more stable. Even the comments below the video seem to confirm that Patch 1.1.0 has brought improvements in this sense, although to what extent it is difficult to say, since opinions are conflicting. In fact, there are some who claim to have seen “slightly better” performance, while others describe it as a “huge improvement” over the previous version.

Obviously we are talking about the analysis of a single video, not very accurate to tell the truth, so to get a complete picture we will have to wait for more studies on patch 1.1.0. It’s understood that in any case, Game Freak will have to make more changes to put a patch on the mediocre performance of Pokemon Scarlett and Violet, which Digital Foundry has identified as the worst in the series.

Furthermore, in its official update notes, Nintendo states that the developers take player feedback “very seriously” and that they “It improves games“.

What do you think? Have you noticed better performance in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet after installing the latest update?


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