Among the bonuses that expire at the end of the year there is also the TV bonus, which allows you to buy a new generation of TV or a set-top box capable of receiving digital terrestrial channels again, so as not to lose your favorite programmes.
Support is available until December 31, 2022 for all people who intend to dispose of their TV, amortizing expense costs which may also include the purchase of a new decoder.

Expired TV Reward
The government of Georgia Meloni, which won confidence a few days ago, is currently deciding which bonus will be confirmed for 2023 and which will not. The TV bonus is one of those for which there is no news yet, so it is better to take advantage of it while it is still valid, that is, until December 31, 2022.
The funds allocated amount to 250 million euros and could run out before the deadline due to the large number of questions that will accumulate towards the end of the year, a period when people can decide to take advantage of part of the thirteenth to give themselves a TV or a last generation decoder.
The incentive was made available on August 23 and guarantees a 20% discount on the purchase price of the TV with a maximum of €100 and is for anyone who buys a TV produced after 2018 and therefore suitable for receiving DVB-T2 encoding. In case you want to buy a new decoder, the bonus guarantees a discount of up to 30 euros.

How to claim the reward
Ordering a bonus for a discount on the purchase of a new TV or new set-top box is quite simple and it will be enough to meet 3 requirements:
- Being residing in Italy
- Properly dispose of a TV purchased before December 22, 2018
- Keep up with the payment of subscription fees for the streaming service.
In addition, all persons residing in Italy over the age of 75 with an annual family income of not more than 8 thousand euros and who are also exempted from paying the Rai fee will be able to enjoy the bonus.
The reward can be requested after certification of the correct disposal of the previous TV, which can be carried out through the distributors participating in the initiative, and through the transfer of the TV to eco-islands, where the employee of the WEEE Collection Center will verify the correctness of the form.
At this stage, it is enough to fill out a signed self-certification to present it to the employees of the stores participating in the initiative (both physical and online), who will issue the discount directly on the receipt.