Home Economy Tax bills and covid loans, payment due date postponed

Tax bills and covid loans, payment due date postponed

Tax bills and covid loans, payment due date postponed

More time to pay or take advantage of legal benefits before returning to normal fight covid: whether installments tax bills you hate secured loans For small businesses or to support the first home. This is the common denominator of a series of amendments to the Millburgh Ordinance that was approved in the Chamber. The traditional year-end ruling containing a long series of delays to the law will be subject to a vote of confidence today, at the request of the Draghi government.

full closure

The corrective actions introduced in the commission are many. On the topic of tax bills, the changes relate to expired premiums. After the Covid explosion and the first shutdown, the then-Conte government suspended payment terms for files and executive evaluations. Practically all collections have been frozen, and the position of those who, even before the turning point date (March 8, 2020 or February 21 for taxpayers in Lombardy and Veneto, then in the red), lose the premium advantage. due to non-respect of the required deadlines.

With a subsequent ruling, these persons were given the opportunity to be readmitted to deferred payment, and to submit an application by December 31, 2021. As that deadline has now expired, Milleproroghe, revised by the Chamber, steps in again to allow the new application for installment to be submitted on April 30. But be careful: for this last invocation, the conditions will be somewhat less favorable: the so-called “long forfeit” will not run, which is the standard by which the advantage is lost after ten installments are not paid, even if it does not. Consecutive: The forfeiture will take effect later after five unpaid instalments.

The logic, to give more time, is also the same in terms of loans of up to 30 thousand euros for small businesses: those that were made in the spring of two years ago, with a one-year guarantee first from 100, then from 90 and now from 80 percent. A prospect that relates to (and is interested in) small and medium-sized enterprises, natural persons engaged in commercial activities, professionals, and a series of other economic subjects. The formula provides for a deadline for the start of the repayment of the capital, no later than 24 months from the date of disbursement; Previously only interest was paid. What is new in Montecitorio is that – for the repayment starting in 2022 – it will be possible to extend the term by six months, at the request of those who took out the loan and by agreement between the parties.


Finally, the benefits of a first home. Also in this case, it was the pandemic emergency that suggested suspending the home sale deadline for one year after exploiting – to buy another house – the benefit of the reduced registration tax and any tax credit allocated to the difference in amount. The frozen deadline was supposed to start working again from January 1, but the suspension has now been extended to March 31.

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