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Suspected “dirty play” in Ukraine – Libero Quotidiano

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Not only the direct supply of weapons, defense support, the promise of new sanctions against Russia. Now there is talk of financing to support the Ukrainian economy, from a military and humanitarian point of view. This is the new front of support for Kiev that the US President inaugurated yesterday Joe Biden In chatting with the Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky. In this case it is 500 million dollars of direct assistance. It is the affirmation that The war against Putin We are fighting not only at the strategic, informational and energy level, but also at the economic level.

As White House sources said yesterday, Biden spoke with Zelensky about ongoing work by the United States and its allies and partners to provide broader assistance to Ukraine during the interview. Based on the decision to allocate $ 500 million, first of all there is the need to fulfill Kyiv’s request for funds More weapons. It is clear that direct selling is no longer sufficient and leads to logistical delivery problems. So that the common idea is to provide the resources with which Ukraine will be able to finance its military expenditures and also see “satisfied” from this point of view of its “requests for security assistance”.

Biden’s initiative, in addition to the symbolic power of the gesture, is dictated by the observation of the effects that the supply of arms to Ukraine has on the developments of the war. It is clear that the supply of guns and ammunition is helping to slow the progress of tanks Putin and urgingRed Army In some areas to a temporary haven. But the promise of economic support for military purposes also allays complaints from Zelensky, who in recent days has complained about not receiving the support NATO countries hope for in providing anti-aircraft defenses and declaring a no-fly zone. It is advantageous for Biden to regain a priority role among Western countries in the confrontation with Kaiser, trying to be present on the field at least with the weight of his dollars. In the interview, however, there was also talk, in a broader way, of college financial aid it is in humanitarian purpose To support the devastated Ukrainian economy. This package also includes Biden’s promise of new severe sanctions “to impose huge costs on Russia for its brutal aggression.”

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Also yesterday, the US President dealt with domestic expenditures, asking Congress to approve a new aid plan to deal with the Covid emergency. “This is not a partisan thing.” He said, “It’s medicine.” So Biden then underwent, in favor of the camera, the fourth dose, calling on Americans over 50 to do the same.

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