The Enter Refinancing 1 billion euros more than this year, but with stricter restrictions for those who refuse to work. The Super Bonus 110 per cent also confirmed to filet and single-family homes, but only for those who have an income for this purpose Show Less than 25 thousand euros. to me Housing units The extension will be until the end of 2023. United Nations Additional interfaces to 60 percent, although there are those who pay to bring it to at least 70 percent. The pension is 64 years with 38 contributions, but for one year only. Finally, a final stop at Cashback In 2022 after the six-month freeze already decided by the government.
Extra shower and faucets, how to get a discount of up to 1,000 euros right away: the executive decree has been published
Maneuver, all the news
The 2022 exercise, the first signed by the Prime Minister Mario Draghi The Minister of Economy Daniel FrancoIt has now taken its final form. The cabinet will reject the ruling early today, likely with the draft competition law, another ruling considered politically sensitive.
basic income
to any concern EnterThe Five Star Movement gave the go-ahead “with reserve” to the redesign proposal made by Draghi and Franco. The proposal anticipating a reduction in checks has already been rejected in the second suitable job offer. Today, on the contrary, the beneficiaries of the subsidy, which will cost the state this year according to forecasts, about 9 billion euros, or two more than last year, lose the right to benefit only after they refused three contract offers. The change of course, proposed by the Minister of Economy, aims to reduce spending on the Cinquestelle scale, which today receives about 3 million people, a third of whom are considered employable. But not only. Controls will also be tightened at the source, i.e. the subsidies that still have to be paid, to counter scammers trying to access the benefit even if they do not have the required requirements. Translator: It is sufficient for those who have citizenship income with a supercar in the garage or the villa overlooking the sea. The backbone of the quintiles robs resources, and therefore oxygen, of other interventions, for pensions and more. The aim of the operation is to return support expenditures to 2020 levels, when they just exceeded 7 billion euros. In September, the average amount paid to beneficiaries of citizenship income was €578. Total payments to the citizenship pension, the measure has cost nearly 18 billion euros so far, of which 730 million were in September alone. The audience for citizenship and pension income currently consists of 2.5 million Italian citizens, 308 thousand non-EU citizens with EU residence permits and about 116,000 European citizens: in the first nine months of 2021 there were almost 90 thousand The nucleus that canceled the aid and the losses amounted to 243 thousand.
Super Bonus
As for the Superbonus, another central decoupling of the maneuver, one 110% stimulus for energy efficiency and one for seismic consolidation (sismabonus) will be confirmed until the end of 2022. However, not everyone will be able to benefit from it. In fact, a cap on ISEE of €25,000 will be imposed on beneficiaries. The intent of the treasury is to initiate decalage of construction rewards. Precisely for this reason, the bonus on facades, today at 90 percent, will be extended for another year, but the tax deduction rate will be reduced to 60 percent. The mechanism of discounting the invoice and transferring the credit to the banks was also confirmed. Two tools have allowed the utilities to function well so far. Other chapters remain confirmed. There will be a tax cuts fund of 6 billion euros, to which will be added another 2 billion already allocated in the tax cuts fund. So nearly $1 billion will be used to eliminate the revenue-collection agency tax, the old Equitalia. The rest will be used to reduce the tax wedge. But how will it be decided during the parliamentary process.
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