One of the most exciting moments in the new trailer for Spider-Man: There is no room for home is what we see the moment you play MJ Zendaya It crashed from a crane in an episode very similar to that of the other two Spider-Man franchises starring Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield. But in the set it was not as great as it was in the final effect.
To the ComicBook mics, Zendaya told himself about the moments on set in which he had to film the sequence in question, among the moments that took fans’ breaths after watching the new Trailer of SpiderMan No Way Home. “It’s funny why Doing moves like this isn’t sexy at all, it’s a bit ridiculous. You’re the one lying on the floor while doing this [l’attrice ha quindi mimato un movimento delle gambe in aria al giornalista]. We’ve done many versions of my crash, where I look like a bug or a turtle writhing upside down, so the day you do it isn’t exciting. However, when put together, it looks really cool“.
The respective scene we see in the trailer has sparked speculation about Attending Andrew Garfield. Fans are convinced that Spider-Man will be able to save her this time, and that Andrew Garfield’s Spider-Man will do so in an effort to fix the unforgivable mistake he made with Gwen Stecy. The hand that actually comes in leads to the character Zendaya That could be from Peter Parker II.
One user wrote on Twitter: “I’ll be honest. If Andrew Garfield’s entry into Spider-Man: No Way Home came with saving MJ crashing because Tom Holland couldn’t, trying to accomplish what he couldn’t do with Gwen… I’d die in the movies. I really intend to die physically“.
Spider-Man: There is no room for home It will be released in Italy on December 15, 2021.