a job self sabotage Russian forces in Ukraineto deliberately damage his equipment and thwart the plans of the Russian president, Russian President Vladimir Putin. Seems to come out of eavesdropping From phone calls from the army flies From the Ukrainian Security Service: Foreign fighters exchanged tips on how to disable weapons and vehicles. According to sources in Kyiv, the stories are mixed.
Russia, the army is in trouble: the best tank was destroyed a few days after its arrival
Russia is in crisis, Moscow is running out of missiles. Russian generals fear they will become scapegoats
A Russian soldier, for example, reported pouring sand into the power systems of tanksto make it unusable. “I don’t follow stupid orders, I simply refuse – he would say – I ruined everything.” When the Russian comrade who was on the other side of the line learned that the unit had not been punished for insubordination, he thought he could use the same tactic, exposing his fellow-in-arms. Another soldier told his family that he and his comrades had damaged a tank, the last tank left in their regiment, to interfere with an attack plan: “We only had one tank left in the regiment. In short, we broke the tank in the morning so as not to go ».
Conversations captured by the Security Service of Ukraine seem to offer a new interpretation of the trend warstarting with the failure to take Kyiv And Putin’s plan to end the fighting in a few days failed. Fighting has continued unabated since February 24. There was talk of logistical problems for the Russian forces, a lack of organization and planning, and an underestimation of opponents. Some US officials argue that, in fact, poor execution of plans should also be included in the budget, with some military bent on disobeying orders. There are many images from Ukraine that immortalize tired and unmotivated Russian soldiers laying down their weapons and tanks. After this news, the Ukrainian government encouraged other Russian forces to refuse the offensive, and called on the fighters to leave the camp: “The situation can improve, only surrender and end the war in Ukraine!” The resistance of the people of Kyiv was very harsh from the first day of the siege.
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