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Revealing Loki’s second season plot and the god of mischief, the situation is reversed

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Time does not exist as we know it Time Variation Authoritybut the countdown to launch continues The second season of Loki It’s Beginning: New episodes will arrive in the fall on the Mickey Mouse House platform and now they’ve been revealed New story details.

Disney has already got involved first The official summary For one of the seven series that we should theoretically see during 2023 – after that Secret invasion Diverse waiting Iron heartAnd sound echoAnd Agatha: A cove of chaos and move it what if…? 2 f X-Men ’97 – The Return. It will come as no surprise to fans that we’ve found God of Mischief right where we left off. In fact, the summary reads:

Season 2 of ‘Loki’ begins after the shocking season finale, with Loki finding himself in a battle for the soul of the time difference power. with MoebiusAnd B-15 Hunter And a cast of new and returning characters, Loki navigates an ever-expanding and increasingly dangerous multiverse I’m looking for a selfie, for Judge Rinzlaer, for Miss Minutes The truth about what it means to have agency and glorified purpose.

In the final episode that “aired” last year, we remember seeing it upon the death of the remaindera variable Conqueror Kang Who created the TVA and the sacred timeline to prevent a war of its variants, now the inevitable after the events of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantamania. The fate of the character you played Jonathan Majors In fact, he’s now hanging by a thread for his legal affairs and the synopsis doesn’t help make sense if we’ll see him again in this new adventure.

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Be that as it may, after killing the one who is still Loki, he finds himself back in TVA headquarters, where the Kang statue dominates and Agent Mobius does not seem to recognize him. From the widespread plot, we now know that the events are about the disappearance of three main characters including A variant of Loki played by Sofia DiMartino. It’s also surprising that after trying to escape TVA for an entire season, Thor’s brother found himself having to fight for it.

Play God of Mischief Tom Hiddleston (Which we remember is the version of Loki who escaped with the Tesseract Avengers: Endgame) For now, he’s still “locked in” to his series, but post-credit Quantumania He reconnected with the MCU: we saw him attend a show for Victor in time (Another kind of Kang) So it’s likely we’ll see him again with others – maybe in The Avengers: Kang Dynasty as well as in Loki 2which will be released on October 6, 2023.

What do you think of this summary? Tell us about yours, as always, in the comments.

Image: Marvel Studios

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