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Ranking of the smartest dogs by science: the winner will blow your mind

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Who has the dog knows how much love You can give the animal that has always been accompanied the man in the journey of life. there devotion is certainly their best quality, that they are capable of forgiving us anything, even the meanest and meanest: purity We can only dream about it and we are often affected by our own evil.

However, there is another peculiarity that distinguishes them, namely Sharp wit. In this regard, the new one is out classification affiliate Smarter Breeds to me Sciences; An arrangement that will undermine all your beliefs. Ready to be discovered Who is the winner?

The new ranking of the smartest dogs: the word of science

the heart of dogs it is enormousBeside affection which they offer us every day, without asking anything in return: it is simply enough for them Hug To wag his tail and sleep happily. In addition to having a big heart, the brain is certainly not less, but more very smart According to cscientific community. Forget about them as mere phenomena displayed for their aesthetics, as well as appreciate this specificity, which can be a very important resource. In this regard, the new one was published recently classification in the races Most resplendent for such quality, the breeds that will surely please you They will be amazed.

It’s an arrangement from the University of Helsinkiin Finlanddeveloped after revision A sample With Ten skill testsResults can be seen on Scientific Nature Reports. In this sense, it should be noted that intelligence has nothing to do with race There are traits associated with genetics, a link exploited by the scientists themselves. said this, Who will be the winner?

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Scientific ranking of the smartest dogs: Who is the unexpected winner?

University of Helsinkiin Finlandhe posted an arrangement regarding The smartest dog breedsbased on ratings based Exam which included Problem-solving skills Based on Reading and interpreting human gestures. In addition, there was another interesting element Dog independence of helping man. Having said that, let’s find out that popped up.

The “winners” are Belgian Malinoisbloodhounds who frequently assist the police, who scored 35 out of 39. Second is Australian kelpfollowed by Labrador RetrieversCome border collie Finally, come on Golden retrievers. They occupy the sixth position hovawartfollowed by Spanish water dogAnd Shetland SheepdogAnd English Cocker SpanielAnd Australian ShepherdsAnd mixed breedAnd German shepherd And Finnish Lapphund.

Also, it is very important to refer to a file differences Found between one race and another:

Most breeds have their strengths and weaknesses. For example, the Labrador retriever was very good at reading human gestures, but not so good at solving spatial problems. Some breeds, such as the Shetland sheepdog, scored fairly uniformly on almost all tests, explains Dr. Caterina Tierra. “The Belgian Malinois excelled on many cognitive tasks, and he did very well on most of the tests.”

Read also: Here are the most expensive dogs in the world, we’ve rounded up 10 luxurious breeds at ridiculous prices

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