“I try ShamePain and shame for that character Different CatholicsAbuse and disrespect to yourself, especially with academic responsibilities, in everything that hurts you Identification, Even your culture and your spiritual values. All this is contradictory Good news Of Jesus ” Pope Francisco Addressed to representatives of the tribal people Canada Received Vatican. “For the disgraceful behavior of those members Catholic Church – Pergoglio added – I apologize to God, I want to tell you with all my heart: I am very happy Regretted. And I apologize to you along with the Canadian Brother Bishops. It is clear that the contents of the faith cannot be transmitted in a way that is contrary to the faith: Jesus taught us WelcomeTo love, to serve, and not to judge; Precisely in the name of faith, it is horrible when creating a counter-witness Good news“.
The Pope got to hear inside Many meetings The testimonies of Canadian tribesmen told them, “Through your voices I was able to touch my hand and carry it within me. Tragedy In the heart, stories of suffering, scarcity, Treatments Discriminators And the various forms of abuse suffered by many of you, in particular Residential schools. It is thrilling to think of all the personal and social repercussions of having to sow inferiority complex, of someone having to lose their cultural identity, of having to cut their roots. Get involved: Unresolved shocks, they have turned into shocks Between generations. All of this raised two emotions in me: anger and shame. Anger, because accepting evil is unjust, and practicing evil is even worse, it becomes a Inevitable The reason for the walk Events Of history. No, without firm anger, without memory, without engaging in learning from mistakes, problems will not go away and they will return. We see about these days War. The memory of the past should never be sacrificed on the altar of so-called progress.
Finally, Francesco expressed a desire to visit Canada Next July: “I am glad to think of the worship that many of you have spread to the Holy Mother of Jesus, the Grandmother of Jesus. I want to be with you on those days this year. Today we need to rebuild an alliance between grandparents and grandchildren, between the elderly and the young. Assumption Basic For the greater unity of human society “. And he added:” I will be glad to rejoin the meeting with you, by going to your own territories where your families live. I will not come to you in the winter! I will say goodbye later. CanadaI can express my closeness to you better ”.