Home entertainment Paper House 5: Volume 2, Review

Paper House 5: Volume 2, Review

Paper House 5: Volume 2, Review

Lcdp S05 E09 20210327090 Tamara Aranz

House of Cards: The Professor in a scene from the last season

What we’re witnessing is the golden age of TV series, we all agree. The House of Paper, and Series Spanish Netflix Created by Alex Pena, it is one of the icons of the golden age of serialization. But gold is also a treasure at the heart of the series finale. in a La casa di Carta 5 review: Volume 2In this article, we will tell you how, after the series has gone through many digressions, it now returns to the heart of the matter. The robbery of the Bank of Spain is above all this: there are tons of gold to get out of the bank, and then to find a way to take that gold away at once. We finally talk about this, about gold, in the powerful final series de paper house. But, beware, Gold isn’t just a MacGuffin to keep the story going. Gold is part of an economic system, has its own price, and limits the economies and lives of countries. Keep all of this in mind. When the string is like paper house In conclusion, the wait is always very high. But the paper house is not like that LostThere are no explanations, no answers, and no threads to reconnect. The final series should simply tell us whether the Professor’s gang will make a comeback, or if it will fail. Whether our heroes live or die. It has the weight of being unable to close in a very similar way to Season 2, which did the first takedown storyline. In the final series, it’s important to get there, but also how to get there. And the end of La casa di carta is confirmed as vibrant, full of quirks and a continuous Scottish shower. During the last five episodes, it will seem to you many times that the story is over, one way or another, but the authors will still be able to turn everything around. And the ending will be strong, brilliant, and unexpected. Worthy of a house of cards.

Alicia Sierra, the Joker who can change the cards on the table

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The House of Paper 5, a scene from the Netflix series

Within the Bank of Spain, Professor (Alvaro Morte)’s gang suffers a heavy loss. But more dangerous than that were the losses of the army that opposed them. Everyone prepares for a reaction. The gang, the professor is outside, the rest of the army is inside. Police Colonel Tamayo. Then there’s Alicia Sierra (Najwa Nimri), a real crazy variant, the Joker who can change cards on the game table. Meanwhile, a flashback takes us 5 years before zero hour: Berlin (Pedro Alonso) arrives by helicopter, to the tunes of Beethoven’s Ode to Joy, to steal an extraction pump from an oil rig. We will also see Berlin with his wife Tatiana and son. We will understand how this story relates to the story of theft.

Paper House 5, Pedro Alonso: “Paolo Sorrentino, let me do Gambardella’s pocket when he was young”

Berlin is ready for its series

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The House of Paper 5, a scene from the Netflix series

Before delving into the season finale, we see that Berlin is ready for its independent series, the spin-off from The House of Paper that was announced a few days ago. The tone of this series will be as polished and elegant as Pedro Alonso, Berlin will be a little Arsenio Lubin, little James Bond, and the atmosphere will be sophisticated. But in these last five episodes, we finally realize that flashbacks weren’t just a way to relieve stress, to give another tone to the story. Those leaps will take us back full circle. We will understand the professor’s motives and those of Berlin. We will understand why they plan robberies. And why were the robberies born in the mint and the Bank of Spain. But in these episodes there is something that interests us all. For when our people wonder if they will be able to survive in Heaven, where they have receded after the first blow, or if they need to throw themselves into disarray, and throw themselves into battle, they speak of us all, every time we do. Want to stay in our area. Comfort zone, or risk.

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The House of Paper 5, a scene from the Netflix series

The pain of the Denver youth

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House of Cards: Still Image for the Final Season

The paper house, in this house Part 5 Volume 2After his transformation from a robbery movie to a war movie, he has now returned to the field of robbery cinema with its rules, strategies, plans and alternatives to plans. Sometimes it’s western. But it is, above all, paper houseLike it or not, the series is unique in its own way. The series finale emphasizes and pushes the ingredients that have defined the Alex Pina series to the limit. The suspense and tension, which at some moments reach very high levels (by the way: you will never be happy to see a cat). Suspension of disbelief, which is at its most extreme even in these episodes (but, if you don’t allow yourself to go into that comment, La casa di carta is not for you). Constantly trying to raise the level of challenge and danger. And finally, the series’ moments. There is also here. In some episodes we witness the pain of a young Denver (Jaime Llorente, torn between his love for Stockholm and that special relationship with Manila.

The paper house until the ninth grade

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The House of Paper 5, a scene from the Netflix series

The final series is paper house to the ninth degree. If you’ve always loved the Álex Pina series, you won’t be disappointed with this ending. If you’re among the critics, you probably won’t like it. If you loved the series and thought it lost its luster, you might fall in love with the Spanish series again. The screenwriters, the former machine who’s been moving their pawns on the chessboard for years, have found a way to give the Professor and his gang a hard time. And so our heroes find someone to play their own game, their sleight of hand.

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House of Cards: A scene from the final season

Truth and Illusion

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House of Cards: Still Image for the Final Season

Although we called them that, the characters aren’t just pawns on the chessboard. They have aspirations, emotions, dreams, and connections. They are attached to their parents and lovers. The fact is mentioned several times during the final de paper house. The video message that Lisbon admits he was wrong, and in which he apologizes, is basically an act of truth. And paper house, a hyperbolic and allegorical chain, within which is this box of truth when under the suits, the masks of Dalì, under the gold, he takes charge of the latter, the marginal, the rejected. Bella ChowThe Professor and the gang struggle is a partisan struggle against powerful, powerful forces, the dictatorship of banks and governments that hide information. There is a lot of truth behind every color of The House of Paper. However, on the other side of the coin, the solution to the dilemma lies precisely in the reversal of truth, in illusion, in sleight of hand. How can you pass out? All that glitters is not gold. The paper house is finished. But the dream is not like that.


In our La casa di carta end review, we tell you about a series that’s been confirmed as vibrant, full of quirks and a continuous Scottish shower. During the last five episodes, it will seem to you many times that the story is over, one way or another, but the authors will still be able to turn everything around. And the ending will be strong, brilliant, and unexpected. Worthy of a house of cards.

because we love her

  • The characters are well built, and this is where their motivations come into play.
  • The tension is always intense, until the ending is great in its own way.
  • She won the series’ iconography, in the red outfit and Dali’s mask.
  • The spirit of resistance against the abuses that pervade the series.

what is wrong

  • The series calls for raising the level of commentary on disbelief, and this may not appeal to everyone.
  • Some aspects of the TV series sometimes seem exaggerated.


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