reading time: 3 Session minutes
So many emotions at the opening of the exhibition “Synchronicity in art and science. A unified perception of reality.” Because it was an opportunity to embrace the professor. Vittorio Silvestrini, Founder Science City.
President, Richard Villari, very much wanted to host an exhibition of sculptures and paintings, which would relive more than thirty-five years of history, in the spaces of the institution. Tribute to the man who created a paradigm of knowledge aimed at achieving the common good, by pursuing his visionary thinking.
It was 1987in fact, thanks to the physicist’s happy intuition Victor SilvestriniAnd Science City The first European Science Festival opened: the far future. Since then, an exciting journey began that continues to this day, with Italian scientific research telling the general public about its many successes, countless challenges, and ambitious goals such as innovation and knowledge development. The key to defining a country’s social, cultural, and economic growth through a universal language that aims to combine art and science to break down barriers and make knowledge accessible to all.
The exhibition can be visited until March 5, 2023through works Vittorio and Paolo Silvestrini, In addition to the historical mission I marked it neatly Science City He says: the emotional relationship between father and son. researching and integrating generational and sometimes seemingly conflicting aspects; the importance of roots in the history of each individual towards a new consciousness integrating tradition and innovation; how “art and science” merge into a unified vision; How important it is for each of us to make personal and responsible reflection aimed at contributing to the growth of knowledge.
Advertising President of the Città della SenzaAnd Richard Villari: Thanks to the intuition of Vittorio Silvestrini, the first Italian Center for Science was born, one of the first major European cultural institutions that happily continues to carry out its mission linked to the dissemination of knowledge and knowledge and thus to the promotion of development. feelings and attests to the inextricable link between Silvestrini and Città della Scienza”.
Every mother Paolo Silvestrini:”I am proud of my family and the wonderful relationship with my father. The synchronicity gallery tells us that we are part of a single system just as perceiving the harmony of a symphony requires awareness of the whole. A revolution has taken place in the classic scientific phenomenon: in addition to reason and rational thought, intuition also has its weight: it is a new way of seeing the world.“.
Paolo Silvestrini He will submit his book “simultaneous physics” (Published by youcanprint) on February 12 again in Città della Scienza.