Home entertainment Mitsuha cosplay from mk_ays recreates a famous scene from the movie – Nerd4.life

Mitsuha cosplay from mk_ays recreates a famous scene from the movie – Nerd4.life

Mitsuha cosplay from mk_ays recreates a famous scene from the movie – Nerd4.life

Today we see something rather strange with mitsuha cosplay From mk_aysWho takes a famous scene from the animated movie Your Namewhere the hero writes on her face a letter addressed to her mysterious “reporter”, Taki.

In the eerie and poignant story written and directed by Makoto Shinkai, Mitsuha Miyamizu is a student from the small mountain town of Itomori who has a kind of mysterious mental, but also physical connection with Taki Tachibana, a high school student from Tokyo. The two gradually find themselves in exchange of soulsin an undisciplined and undesirable way, in a relationship becoming more and more involved on an emotional level, up to dizzying ups and downs.

Reinterpretation by mk_ays is really close to the original, especially regarding the girl’s hair and shirt, as it’s almost a close-up shot. But the most defining thing is probably the scene represented: it’s the moment Taki/Mitsuha finds himself, angry at the exchange of identities. Write a “message” on your face Addressed to your message.

The word “Aho” can be seen easily, and it is practically a crime in the Japanese language, and is used especially in some areas of the country. Mitsuha/Taki will find themselves responding with the classic “Baka,” which basically means “stupid.”


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