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Missiles on Kyiv at the end of the press conference of Zelensky and Guterres –

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The joint press conference between Ukrainian President Zelensky and UN Secretary-General Guterres had just ended when two roars were heard in the northwestern region of the city.

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How – two powerful explosions A few moments from each other. A cloud of black smoke rose in the red of the sunset Kyiv fear returned.

The capital is under attack again on the day of the arrival of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterreswho came to talk with President Volodymyr Zelensky about the possible evacuation of the Azovstal steel plant and the liberation of civilians from Mariupol.

It was just there Zelensky and Guterres joint press conference When he heard a roar in the northwestern part of the city. The first reports speak of two missiles that were to hit the Shevchenko district and according to the spokesman of the Emergency Service (Ses) Svetlana Vodologa, there are casualties but it is not yet clear how many. One of the missiles could hit an unidentified sensitive target, and the other on a nearby apartment building. The coup was towards the first floors and there were people on the upper floors always said the SE spokesperson. Ukrinform also reported that there would be casualties, although it did not specify the number of casualties.

The mayor Vitali Klitschko spoke on Telegram about the wounded. The lower floors of an apartment building in Kyiv in the Shevchenkivsky district were hit. Immediately there are lifeguards and doctors. Nearby homes are also searched and people taken out. The channel stated on the social network that three wounded people have been taken to hospital so far.

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The attack on Kyiv shocked meThe Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, said that it was intercepted by the Portuguese RTP channel immediately after its missile attack on the Ukrainian capital.

Apr 28, 2022 (change on Apr 28, 2022 | 21:09)

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