Home Tech Microsoft banned Xbox Series X | releases S and One – Multiplayer.it

Microsoft banned Xbox Series X | releases S and One – Multiplayer.it

Microsoft banned Xbox Series X | releases  S and One – Multiplayer.it

Post 4: There are no records he will not come Xbox Series X | S and Xbox One by choice Microsoft, which prevented the developers from releasing the game on their own consoles. At least that’s what the Running With Scissors studio said on Twitter.

Just yesterday Postal 4: No Regerts was announced for PS5 and PS4. Later, the developers received many questions regarding the physical versions, support for DualSense features etc., but also about the possible launch of the game on Xbox Series X | S and Xbox One. In this regard, the studio revealed that the game will not reach the green consoles by choosing Microsoft itself. “Let’s be clear. Microsoft said no to Postal 4”

Running With Scissors didn’t say anything else, so we can’t know for sure why Microsoft rejected it. Most likely in any case it is high Violence and vulgarity Which characterizes the game and the entire series, which we also talked about in our review of Postal 4: No Regerts.

Ironically, as mentioned above, the game will hit PlayStation platforms, despite the fact that Sony has proven in recent years to be more selective and frequently censor certain contents. Case in point is the horror title Martha is Dead that cut the most disturbing scenes on PS5 and PS4.


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