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Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Lucy’s arts and culture magazine was born

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Under the guidance of former book fair director Nicola Lagioia, the new independent publication will follow a one-on-one program of articles, cartoons, podcasts and memes.

Lucy – in culture

Cultural, multimedia and topical magazine: this is the DNA of Lucypublication that debuted February 1 under the direction of writer W Outgoing book fair manager Nicholas LaGuia Editorial responsibility for Erin merciful. The new independent magazine, headed by the former businessman and now publisher Paul Benini And dedicated to culture, arts and current events, it owes its name to australopithecus AL 288-1, which was discovered in 1974 in Ethiopia and considered the ancestor of mankind. the outlet It hosts Italian and international editorial and multimedia contents, which it shares on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube and also on Spotify by creating podcasts.

The first issue of Lucy, What I Don't Know About You
The first issue of Lucy, What I Don’t Know About You

Programming the new magazine Lucy – about culture

Lucy’s Automated Statement – whose full name is actually Lucy – about culture – Displays a single editorial line (also accompanied by daily contents) but is very versatile: “We choose every month Theme And we tell it from different points of view with articles, illustrations, and audio and visual contributions. Others are added to the thematic contents, linked above all to things that happen in Italian and international culture […] We will also arrange Seminars, lessons and events to meet us live And give meaning to the concept of proximity”, the founders themselves expect on the website of the magazine, whose editorial office is located in Milan just in front of the Central Station. So it is a space for reports, comics, videos and longforms, but also for podcasts, concerts and … memes.

The first issue of Lucy magazine

To tell something about Lucy (which is currently shown without any paywall but will soon be asking for input from readers) and its first release is Lagioia himself, who commented on social media: “It deals with literature, science, art, music, film, comics, and society. I’ve worked on it with people I really love and I’m thrilled to be able to make this announcement […] “What I don’t know about you” is the first issue of Lucy, and it explores the limits and possibilities of knowledge. Among the first contents and interventions are Annie Ernaux, Domenico Starnone, Joan Thiele, Nadeesha Uyagonda, Andrea Piva, Mauro D’Alonzo, Giovanna Tinetti, Gipi, Luca Guadagnino, Giulia Cavaliere, Telmo Pievani, Serena Vitale and Damon Galgut”. As for the format, the new director and Strega Award winner is following ferocity“,”Lucy is online, but will soon appear in the real world with webinars, lessons, and live events. I hope it becomes A place to meet, experience and grow together through culture and the arts. It is also a bridge between generations, since its editorial creation is largely entrusted to people younger than those who created it.” Good luck and good work to the new editorial board.

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Julia Guillaume

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