According to some rumors circulating on the web, there will be some at Disney Differences of opinion over how to distribute the new Pixar Lightyear movie.
The pandemic has revolutionized the film and television industryespecially in terms of distribution.
It could be seen as a negative or positive change, or even more subtle, but the truth is that there was an acceleration of what was actually a change. Transformation Fairly predictable, given Broadcast platform success In the past few years.
In fact, many titles have become among those that have been released in the past two years For the exclusive franchise of Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney +, HBO Max, etc.while some enjoyed a hybrid distribution.
to me Pixar movie “Only on Disney+” has been touched on a lot, regretting a large portion of fans who complained about Disney red treat and other animation studio films like Soul and Luca, but with excellent results for the streaming platform itself, which recently celebrated the success of Luca is the most watched movie in the live stream in 2021.
However, it now appears, at least according to World of Reel, that even within the Mickey Mouse House there are conflicting opinions about what to do, particularly in light of the release of Light yearOne of the most anticipated titles of this year.
“There is a kind of civil war going on inside the company between Pixar and DisneyAnd there’s plenty to do with the Toy Story show coming this summer, Lightyear. You can call it “Desperate Mode” since then Some Pixar employees will be amused by the idea of suing the House of Mickey MouseThe site reads.
clearly We advise you to take everything with a grain of salt, since we do not know the reliability of the sources, but such a hypothesis can always provide material for thought and discussion. What do you think that? Let us know in the comments.