(ANSA) – ROME, March 10 – Leonardo closed its 2021 financial statements with a net profit to net profit of 587 million, +142%. Revenue increased to 14.1 billion (+5%), EBITA to 1.123 billion (+20%).
Operating cash flow is 209 million (+423%) twice as much guidance. The company returns to dividends: the board of directors proposed to distribute a coupon equal to 0.14 euros per share.
“2021 was an important year,” comments the CEO. Alessandro Profumo: “Focf 2021 was above guidance and double compared to expectations. We have resumed the growth trajectory with results above pre-pandemic levels, regardless of the air structures for which the plan is being restructured and re-launched,” he confirms. The solidity and fundamentals of the group are the foundation of trust in the short and medium-long term.”
Meanwhile, the company makes it clear that it is “not highly vulnerable” to Russia and Ukraine. The balance sheet at the end of 2021 displays “towards Ukraine nothing” while “towards the operators directly participating in the sanctions regime towards Russia equals about 30 million. The portfolio of orders towards Russia is about 25 million, and the portfolio towards Ukraine is equal to about 8 million.” “In times of increased geopolitical uncertainty, we continue to carefully monitor the situation, aligning ourselves with the indicators of the governments of the countries in which we operate,” Profumo says. (handle).
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