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Lake Polga Dot in Canada

Lake Polga Dot in Canada

The Canada It is one of the planet’s places that often represents wonderful atmospheres and natural interests such as the lake. Click, An aquifer actually looks like one Logo Then.
To the display of the mineral nature of the place, the author of the exotic aspect of the place, the legends of the Native Americans of the place that closes the lake with its healing properties are added.

Klik Lake

Because of Lake CanadaNearby Osoyos, In Canada, there is Lake Clichy, a lake with a magical aspect, which is innumerable thanks. Dissolved minerals In its water, namely: sodium sulfate, calcium, magnesium sulfate and other elements such as titanium and silver, it manages to form unusual geometric shapes with many colors depending on temperature and seasons, such as yellow, white but also green and blue.

Summer is definitely the time when the lake is on display with all its uniqueness because of the structure of the mineral structure that evaporates the water. வெளிமம் It crystallizes and hardens, creating natural curves around colored spots.
The Okanokan Valley attracts a large number of tourists every year British Columbia, Appreciate this show and take a photo of this natural event.

Today the lake is called Dotted Lake, But its history is long and complicated: it was converted into a mining quarry during World War I. However, in the late 70s, the owner’s family tried to change that Health Center.

The legend of Clichy Lake

Because of the lakeMany travel to Clichy Lake to do research Miraculous properties According to legend this water Native Americans Even if the place is sacred.
This water is, in fact, fitted Therapeutic properties, So they can cure diseases and sprains, but also wounds and skin ulcers and muscle pain of various origins.

Klug Lake, also known today as Spot Lake, is therefore subject to the tribal legend of the area.
During the war between the rival tribes, according to accounts, all the fighters stopped and declared a fight to allow the wounded on both sides to sink into the lake to heal their wounds.

Luminosity Sacred Created around this wonderful Then the lake He made every effort to protect the tribal people, and for more than twenty years they succeeded in the company in 2001, buying the surrounding 22 hectares of land for 720 thousand dollars.


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