John Doe

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

“La via del ferro”, Messina preview of Francesco Canava’s film on Saturday

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Evening event at Apollo Multiplex. A second show was added at 10 p.m

Messina – Saturday January 28th at Multiplex Apollo there will be a preview of “iron roadDirected by Messina Francesco Canava. The documentary was presented at the Residence CineApollo in the presence and Director of the City Council for Culture, Enzo Carusothe protagonist, the Iron Sculptor Fabius Pilateby the owner of Multiplex Apollo Loredana Polizzi Journalist and film critic Frank Cicero.
Francesco Canava emphasized last post of his work in 40th Turin Film Festival: “After 33 years – I declare – a film entirely produced and made in Messina has been selected to participate in a competition that is one of the most important international film festivals and for me a source of great pride. This is a confirmation of the teachings of Fabio Pellato and the fish of the strait, that anything is possible”.

From left: Cicero, Pilate, Canava, Polizzi and Caruso

Loredana Polizzi and Franco Cicero presented evening – happened to Saturday 28 Januaryscheduled at 20.30 It is already sold out. They will be present Francesco CanavaAnd Fabius Pilateproducers Arturo Morano and Renata Giulianocomposer of music Tony Cantu And some members of the artistic cast who will meet the audience of the strait of Città dello. I’ll moderate Frank Cicero Then there will be a screening of the film.
Given the high demand for participation by the public, A second appointment was scheduled for 10.00 pm. Both shows are free to enter (With reservations required, email [email protected]).

The documentary, produced by Art Show and 8 Road Film in collaboration with the U. Bonino & MS Pulejo Foundation – Gazzetta del Sud and Sicrumi, Facing the physical suffering, disabling therapies, pain and uncertainty of a serious illness, then transforming them into works of art and a new lifeline. This is the human and artistic adventure of Fabio Pellato, a well-known figure in Messina, his city, who from a building contractor has become an iron sculptor.

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The year is 2006. Insomnia is hitting hard due to chemotherapy and one night, as an antidote to physical suffering, Fabio chooses to go out to sea with his little boat, mooring at Torre Faro, the tip of Sicily that runs towards Calabria, in the Strait of Messina. And there, at the mercy of the sea and the currents, between Scylla and Charybdis, as he watches the waves he manages to tame thoughts and ghosts and draw inspiration to face disease.
It’s dawn, Fabio is back on Earth. He runs into a group of fishermen and sees some dead fish on the shoals, which he now observes with fresh eyes. He would like to take them back to the sea, to bring them back to life again, but this is not possible. Instinctively, he takes a white stone from the shore, takes it home, and with a screwdriver makes a carved cerac: his first fish. From that moment on, begins his artistic adventure that will lead him to produce iron sculptures of fish, octopuses and other marine animals, all in life size, with one goal: to make them immortal.
2022.”Shores are in constant dialogue showing man the wayRead the short opening. iron road It is the manner of the symbiotic relationship between man and nature, the transformation of pain into poetry, and the affection for the sea that keeps the protagonist connected to life.
A powerful and accurate documentary that tells, wave by wave, the true story of rebirth.

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