Saipem commented to the downside. Always the spotlight on Telecom Italia TIM after the strong rally in the past two sessions. Plus sign for BPER Banca and Banca MPS
Today features Several changes in direction For the main indices of the Italian Stock Exchange and for the main European financial markets.
at 14.25 FTSEMib It rose 0.09% to 24,527 points, after it fluctuated between the lowest level at 24,467 points and the highest level at 24,695 points. At the same time FTSE Italia all participated He earned 0.06%. The minus sign, on the other hand, for FTSE Italia medium hat (-0.28%) for The star of FTSE Italia (-0.71%).
The Bitcoin She keeps more than $31,500 (around €29,500).
The BTP-Bund spread It fluctuates around 200 pips.
L ‘euro Over $1.07 confirmed.
Saipem Suspended due to over-reduction (-3.2% theoretical reduction). The engineering company announced that it has signed a binding agreement with KCA Deutag to sell the entire onshore drilling business for a cash consideration of $550 million plus a 10% stake in KCA Deutag itself.
Nixi It rose by 1.81% to €9.652. The company announced that it had signed an agreement to establish a long-term strategic partnership with it Paper Bank (+ 2.22% to € 1.959) and Banco di Sardegna, to be implemented by transferring the merchant branches related to acquiring the merchant and POS management activities of the two institutes to Nexi Payments. At the same time, Nexi will acquire the entire stake currently owned in Numera Sistemi e Informatica from Banco di Sardegna. It is equal to €318 million for the deal, which may increase in the event of any deferred component payment up to €66 million.
in progress Monte dei Paschi di Siena (+ 1.49% up to 0.7815). The Sienese Institute has informed that discussions are continuing with the European Central Bank and with the DG COMP (Directorate General for Competition), regarding the contents of the Industrial Plan 2022-2026. Monte dei Paschi di Siena indicated that the industrial scheme is scheduled to be presented on June 23.
The light is always on Telecom Italia TIM After the strong rise achieved in the past two sessions. the address lose 0.81% to 0.2952 euros. According to reports from Reuters, the phone group would have estimated assets related to fixed network infrastructure at around 20 billion euros.