John Doe

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

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You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Italian champion Lorenzoni, Edo partner

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Field hockey: Lorenzoni Bra still on top, hitting San Saba
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field hockey More sports and life in the spotlight in Brazil. Twirling Carrù’s first-team tri-color Serie A football championship has yet to be spotlighted, with a new, high-quality sports title coming from Lorenzoni Bra who won the championship in the A1 Women’s Series a day earlier. Both sports realities have always been edu bearers and it is natural to identify the associative reality that many believe in “the gift” as true good luck magic.

“We are proud to sew the Life Emblem onto our official uniform,” said Braidese Hockey Historical Director Silvia Brizio, who adds: “This new and prestigious result, championship coveted as much as sweaty, we want to dedicate to all the patients on the list awaiting transplant. ». The regional president of Aido Piemonte, Walter Meoni, explains: “The presence of color holders like Lorenzoni is a reason for the prestige of Aido and seeing how the club has succeeded this year in a sporting project of such caliber can only add value to a prolific daily work that has brought together new members ». Gianfranco Fergnano, union reference manager in Cuneo province concludes: “If I have to be honest, the positive actions of the Braidese sports team in some respects no longer surprise me for a company that I have always believed to be organized and capable, resolute and committed, any plans and projects in a professional manner are useful in these The occasion to get countless new championships, the seventeenth, which makes me proud of a very positive and high-level collaboration that multiplies the results by giving life expectancy to patients waiting for the gift.”

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