Open Art, the open space for all forms of art, has reactivated its activities after the summer break. In the Palazzo della Cultura, in the heart of our city, this beautiful space, managed by the Giovani Realtà association thanks to the victory of the regional “Luoghi Comuni” tender, has come back to life after a few years of abandonment.
As of October 2, courses in singing, piano, drums, guitar, violin, keyboard, gospel singing, theater (aimed at 4-6 year olds, teens and adults), hatha yoga, and choral singing for children’s voices (aimed at children Elementary schools) and vocal group (for middle and high school children).
Over the summer, the space welcomed requests from numerous bands who used the rehearsal room to come together to play and who showed great enthusiasm at the possibility of using a room equipped and soundproofed here, in our Galatina. Open Art has become an important reference point for those who love making music. Within a few days, the recording room will be active and ready to accommodate an entire orchestra.
The “Giovanni Realtà” association has been managing the place since September 2022, giving the city prestige and increasing the cultural offer through conferences, artistic workshops and literary and musical reviews. In cooperation with secondary schools, it initiated meetings between students and representatives of various volunteer associations in the region to introduce them to the importance of volunteer work in developing solidarity, which is the basis of the cultural growth of every human being.
Moreover, the Association, with its participation in Puglia Capitale Sociale 3.0, obtained funding for the project “Together for Growth”, which allowed it to direct its activities not only to young people, but also to less young people, to those who are just, to those who They face difficult situations in order to counteract involuntary loneliness and provide the possibility of social contact and participation in cultural, musical, recreational and cross-disciplinary activities. Sharing space and experiences with young people will help develop the emotional connection between the two generations.
There are many events to plan, some of which are now part of the city’s history, such as the Christmas party, the solidarity show “We Are the World”, the international festival “Giovanni Rialta”, the poetry competition and others. Every month of the year is full of cultural proposals for children and adults alike. Contributing to the growth of the city is GioRé’s ongoing commitment.