John Doe

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

In Barry competition for students

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Born with the goal of remembering a character Rosella Banaresthe philosopher and scientific publisher of Radio 3 who died prematurely last year,in a distant skyA morning dedicated to science and publication starting at 9:30 at the Kursaal Santa Lucia Theater in Barryby the Giuseppe di Fagno, in association with Ray Radio 3. “A professional we miss so much – says Foundation President Daniela Mazuca – to whom we wanted to dedicate the award that we will present today. A woman who has transcended the barriers of inequality by making science a simple language capable of translation without betrayal, from During a confrontation between experts, intellectuals and listeners of the quiet and conversational type.

High school student award

Indeed, the morning will open with the presentation of the first edition of the Rossella Banares Prize for young people from high schools.
“The moral commitment we made to ourselves with the editorial board of Ray Radio 3 because Rossella was not just a friend but a reference point in scientific publishing – continued President Mazoka – she was among the few able to combine humanistic and scientific culture, the latter always considered either a second level or a few Bearers of technical language unknown to most ».
Candidates wishing to participate in the award will have to produce a 5-8 minute podcast with science as a topic with the possibility to interact with the community and other fields. The award ceremony will take place on the occasion of Lector in Science, which will be held from May 25-27. The most interesting works will be broadcast on Rai Radio 3 and a trip as a prize. A way to spread and encourage knowledge and interest in science and scientific publishing among students and encourage students to express their creativity through the language of podcasts.
“We chose the podcast because it was the tool that Rossella moved with – the president explains – keeping in mind that we are addressing young people and we should try to motivate them and keep their attention and interest high.”

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Lector in Science in Conversano from May 25 to 27, 2023

The event will also be an opportunity to present the second edition of Lector in Scienza that will be held in Conversano from May 25-27 and implemented within the framework of the three-year cultural promotion program “I Granai del Sapere 2022-2024”. In cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and Economics of Culture and Development of the Puglia region, the city of Bari and the city of Conversano.

How are words used in scientific generalization? We must figuratively look the listener in the eyes, observe our language using direct words, not take the things we know and think the listener should know too, and be sensitive in his narration of what might be the questions that are meant to arrive.” With these words Rossella Banares spoke of Her work, her passion and her personal way of explaining the importance of correct information and respect for the audience on the other side of the microphone A way his colleagues and friends are trying to consolidate through the award by motivating young people and their creativity A good way that has remained in the hearts of those who listened to her and who I was honored to have by her side in her short life.

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