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If Italy gets into a difficult situation, we have the tools, as in the case of Poland and Hungary-

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From Julia Ricci

“We are working with all democratic governments that want to work with us,” the European Commission president said. we can act”

“we will see The result of the vote in Italythere was also elections in sweden. If things go in a difficult direction, we have the tools, As in the case of Poland and HungaryThe message from the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. The question posed by journalists in Princeton in the United States confirmed that among the candidates for Sunday’s elections in Italy were “persons close to Putin.” Von der Leyen’s reference to A decision taken by the European Parliament a week agoWhich approved a report condemning the “deliberate and systematic attempts of the Hungarian government to undermine European values” and urging EU institutions to take action against Hungary. The text states that “values ​​such as democracy and fundamental rights are in grave danger.”

A position was passed with opposing voices by the FdI and Lega, the two parties that in recent weeks have come under attack several times over their ties to Orban and Putin.

At yesterday’s conference in Princeton, von der Leyen also stressed that “democracy needs all of us, it’s a work in progress, and it’s never safe.” Regarding the possible electoral outcome in Italy, he added: “My approach is to work with any democratic government that wants to work with us. I know we’re sometimes slow and we talk a lot, but that’s also the beauty of democracy. So we will see how this election will go: even the people, to whom governments must respond, play an important role.”

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Meanwhile, in Italy the last bars of the election campaign. We will never be with him Georgia Meloni, if he becomes prime minister, we will be in the opposition and we will never be in a dilemma between the Democratic Party and the Five Stars,” said former Prime Minister and leader of Live Italy Matteo Renzi at a rally in Milan. The attacks on Democratic leader Enrico Letta and Giuseppe Conte who already had very violent clashes. “He – referring to the income of citizenship – undertakes to exchange for state money.” The door also closed to the left of Nicolas Fratoiani, who opened timidly towards the third pole. Today the election campaign concludes in Rome with Carlo Calenda. The final rush is also for Europe and for the Italian Green Left coalition. “It’s simple for me – you’re either with Urban or with the democracies,” said Emma Bonino. Nicolas Fratoiani and Angelo Bonelli chose the Imperial Forums. On stage carrying a rainbow flag: “It is time to bring a word that has disappeared from the common vocabulary back to the center of politics: peace. We demand that Italy and Europe become supportive of the initiative so that the horror of war does not spread in Ukraine and become too ungovernable.”

Sep 23, 2022 (change on Sep 23, 2022 | 00:43)

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