Home Economy Holidays at risk for 250 thousand passengers. Low-cost airlines struck on Saturday

Holidays at risk for 250 thousand passengers. Low-cost airlines struck on Saturday

Holidays at risk for 250 thousand passengers.  Low-cost airlines struck on Saturday

Vacations are at risk for about 250 thousand vacationers. Lufthansa Another 2,200 flights will be canceled in the summer months due to staff shortages due to Covid. The decision caused great discontent, especially in Germany: it is estimated that about 250 thousand tourists will be affected by the decision of the national airline. BIld wrote that the cancellations concern domestic flights and on European routes. While it is not related to transcontinental travel. Two weeks ago, Lufthansa announced the cancellation of 900 flights over the weekend in July.

Flights canceled, low-cost airlines strike

The pilots and flight attendants of the low-cost airlines are back to cross their arms. After the June 8 strike, crews Ryan AirAnd the easyJet And the Volutia They will be off work again on Saturday 25 June for 24 hours. Also stop by for Malta Air and CrewLink, who are always drawn into the Irish giant’s orbit.

A new protest “became necessary” in the face of “the persistence of unacceptable conditions in which pilots and flight attendants are forced to work,” decried unions’ readiness to start the “hot” summer for low-cost airlines with another mobilization. . For Ryanair, Malta Air and Crewlink, the stoppage is coordinated at the European level and “Italian workers strike to demand work contracts in line with the minimum wages stipulated in the National Collective Agreement for the sector, as required by Italian law”. Filt CGIL and Uiltrasporti. But they are also striking to scrap wage cuts and shortages of “water and food for the crew,” often “unable to get off the plane even for 14 consecutive hours.”

Pilots and flight attendants based in Spain (June 24, 25, 26 and 30, and July 1 and 2), Portugal (June 24, 25 and 26), France (June 25 and 26) and Belgium will also be absent. 24, 25 and 26 June) and disruption to communications operated by the Ryanair Group is expected.

As for EasyJet, “the struggle continues to protest the suppression of workers’ rights culminating in unjustified dismissals, and against the lack of operational rigidity and the complete deterioration of industrial relations,” according to Oiltrasporte. While in Volutia, “the protest continues against the corporate attitude violating workers’ rights due to the failure to amend the minimum wage – the union says – and for the numerous unilateral measures with further wage cuts justified by spurious individual and voluntary agreements”.

Ryanair: In Italy we do not expect any inconvenience due to the strike

Ryanair doesn’t expect much inconvenience on Saturday’s strike day: “It is organized by unions that don’t have Ryanair representation – country manager Mauro Bolla said at Cagliari for 15 years of the low-cost base – now let’s see how many adhesions there will be even those who They have no union to belong to. A contingency plan? We always think of the best situation, not the worst. We must bear in mind that this relates to the situation in Italy, but the strike is European as well.”

The optimism also stems from sticking to previous strikes: “No flight attendant or crew member participated in the June 8 strike – he added – all cancellations are linked to the air traffic controllers’ strike. So far, Ryanair has negotiated a business contract with the most representative unions. Unions that will not strike on Saturday.”


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