John Doe

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Hockey League Two, Forli undefeated after 3 championship rounds

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After his debut in the derby at home with Modena, Forli continues to win and remains in the top positions in the second division of the Hockey League. The second round saw Forli fans participating in the other derby of the season at Riccione. Forli started as the favorites, but the Buccaneers kept a good guard, with the match remaining in balance until 6 minutes into the first half, when Guerzoni managed to break the ice. Forli insisted, trying to push and find the second goal before the end of the first half with Yahyaoui. In the second half, Riccione entered the air of someone who had no more to lose and the game became more angular, but still right. During strong play, Forli scored the third goal with Rossi sent in front of goal by Striker.

game over? far from it. Forli loosened his grip and Riccione scored twice in 15 seconds one minute from the end, clearing the goalkeeper and desperately trying to equalize the extra player on the go. Rizzoli’s sons resisted and scored the fourth goal in the empty net with Pazaglia. 4 to 2 final score. The next game at home against the Mammoths of Rome was much easier: the match promised to be downhill for Forli, who had already sent 10 players on the roster to the scorers’ list, winning 11-1.

To report on the first appearance in the second division of the 2006 class by Gabriel Troiano, a young under-16 from Forli nursery, and the capital performance of Michael Bagatoni, another doctor from Forli who is not satisfied with the first points in the second division but crowns the performance with 3 goals and a pass Decisive resulted in the best scorer in Romania. The next match will take place on November 7 at 3.30pm on the tough pitch for leader Tergeste Trieste (match shows on the team’s Youtube channel). To watch hockey play via Ribolle, you will have to wait until November 20 for the match with Legnaro (starts at 19.30)

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