Home sport Hockey, Judo and Tennis: Year-end essay titled “The Sport of Toto and Inclusion”

Hockey, Judo and Tennis: Year-end essay titled “The Sport of Toto and Inclusion”

Hockey, Judo and Tennis: Year-end essay titled “The Sport of Toto and Inclusion”

End of the year article

Pupils of Plexus of San Vito Primary School in Potenza Pesina ventured into the final essay for the 2021/2022 school year, focusing on sports in the schoolStarting with singing the Italian anthem. Young athletes had the opportunity to compare themselves in different sports, with the support of a large audience of parents who attended and praised Belvedere Borgo Muzio.


The last event was a compilation of an entire academic year in which students dealt with various sports disciplines thanks to the contribution of expert specialists in the field of Projects “Children’s Active School” and “Integrated and Inclusive Sports”. “All this – reads the note – to emphasize the importance of sport in school for harmonious psychophysical development and how to manage it to overcome barriers and diversity, and to promote cooperation and integration among children.”


The students gave an explanation of hockeyunder the supervision of experts from Stefano Musella (athletic director of Potenza Pesina hockey and teacher of the project “Active Children’s School” of the Badaloni Comprehensive School); From judowith the teacher Mario Mengasini And the Francesca Camilletti (Second Dan Black Belt, from KodoKan Judo Recanati); From Tenniswith gentlemen Eduardo Castagna And the Alessio Pascini (From the “Guzzini” club in Recanati).

All participants will, at the end of the academic year, receive a certificate confirming their commitment.


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