Como hockey is played in the midweek thirteenth round of the IHL tournament.
The Como hockey game is scheduled for 6.45 pm at the Chiavina Ice Rink
Hockey Como is back on the rink tonight and will host Round 13 of the IHL Championship Caldaro Force’s third in the tournament at the Chiavenna Ice Rink (6.45 p.m.). For Larian’s side, it’s not an easy commitment but a motivating one to try to recover the last internal knockout they suffered over the weekend against Bergen. Last night’s round opened with Valdivemi-Allegi leading 4-2
Ticket costs 8.00€ (free entry for under 12 years old).
Families of children from the Como Hockey School will be able to enter at a cost of only 5.00 euros
Tickets are available for the 2021-22 season, which can be purchased at the ticket office through the stadium, during home matches or by emailing to [email protected]
This is the program for the thirteenth round, the fourth return of IHL 2021/22
TUESDAY 7 DECEMBER Valdivimi – Allegi 4-2; Wednesday 8 at 6.45 p.m. Como-Caldaro, Varese-Unterland, Pergine-Bressanone, Dobbiaco-Eppan.
Updated standings for the International Humanitarian Law Championship
Valdifiemme 28; Unterland 26 Caldaro * 24; Annexes 22; two towers * 20; Varese 16 Como 15; Dobbiaco 14; Brixen 13; Appiano Eppan 5. (*Another race).