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Hockey Cuomo does not give up “Don’t give up on us”

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Hockey Como Don't Give Up

Hockey as a game

(Image via Lariosport Lariosport)

  • Wednesday 15 December 2021

Hockey Cuomo Don’t Give Up

“Don’t give up on us”

That’s why, to keep the attention on the company alive, President Massimo Tacchi sent a letter to sponsors and supporters

Closing the Palazzetto di Casate is Damocles’ sword on top of Como hockey. Especially in uncertain times. And in cases like those in Kanto basketball and volleyball Libertas, where exiles have become chronic, we try to escape in order to hide.

The company does not want to separate the umbilical cord from Cuomo. The first leg matches to Chiavenna for home matches have just begun, and the distance certainly discourages a Como fan from going up there. That’s why, to keep the company’s attention alive, President Massimo Tacchi sent a letter to sponsors and supporters.

The closure of the building in Casate, due to structural problems, caused great fears and exile in Chiavenna. “But it did not stop our journey and we are confident that we will be back home in the short term – says Tacci in the letter -. The smaller categories also play in Switzerland, the youth teams are doing well, the bigger ones are in play-offs. Let’s not give up. In the meantime. Thanks to the technology on and through weekly social media posts, follow us on that publishes the highlights of each game on our YouTube channel where you can watch the game the next day.The match is also broadcast on a postponed basis on Digital terrestrial channel 112 (One TV) on Tuesday evenings.

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